Afire Love [Muke]

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*Luke's POV*

It was during a concert. We were playing 'She Looks So Perfect' when it happened. The moment I felt my world crashing down. 

I was singing my heart out, as I do every show, not thinking anything happened behind me. I was wrong. When I turned around to go backstage to get ready for the encore, I noticed Michael was missing. My heart dropped, what happened to him that caused him to go offstage? I quickly went back to find Michael, once I got backstage, the sight before me broke my heart. I could see my boyfriend, holding his head, tears streaming down his face. I handed my guitar off to the tech and I rushed over to him.

"Mikey, what happened?"

"I-I was walking past one of the pyrotechnics and it-it went off and my-my head, it hurts Lukey."

 I managed to get his hands off his head long enough to examine his head, I saw a burn mark and gasped. I pulled Michael into my chest and maneuvered us to the couch, I sat down and Michael curled into my chest, he was still crying and I just sat there and let him cry into my chest. I could hear him mumbling about how much his head hurt and shushed him, kissing his forehead every few minutes. We ended up cancelling the rest of the concert, wanting to get Michael to the hospital quickly. Ashton and Calum took one van to the hotel while Michael and I got in another and headed for the hospital. I was supposed to go with Ash and Cal but both Michael and myself insisted that I go with him. When we got to the hospital, we were relieved that it was mainly young children and older people. We were told to sit in the waiting area, and we did. I sat there holding Michael's hand and I could sense he was nervous because I could feel his hand shaking in mine.

"Mikey, What's wrong? You're shaking like crazy."

"It's just, what if my burns are terrible and I'll have scars there for the rest of my life? The fans will think I'm ugly and not like me anymore." My heart broke. I could tell he was going to cry so I quickly tried to get him to calm down.

"You won't be ugly, you will have scars but they won't be ugly. The fans love you no matter what. Calum texted me saying that the fans were going crazy on twitter over this. They are worried. And even if some people think you're ugly, I still think you're beautiful." He managed to smile after what I said. He was called back and we both stood up and walked back.

After getting checked, we found Michael had third degree burns on his face and almost lost sight in his left eye. We were both relived to know that nothing too serious had happened. We headed back to the hotel to get some well needed sleep. 

Once at the hotel, we headed to our separate rooms, letting each other know room numbers in case anything happened. I got to my room and headed for bed, putting on pajama pants and getting my stuffed penguin that Luke won me at an arcade the week before. I fell asleep with no hesitation.

I finished singing 'She Looks So Perfect' and the fans were screaming louder than they ever were. I was smiling proudly, knowing that this is why I do this. That smile slowly faded when I saw fans crying and yelling Michael's name. What happened to Michael? I turned around to see a bunch of crew members around a body, I went over to see what had happened, my heart dropped. It was Michael on the ground, not moving. I picked him up and took him to the couch. I crouched down next to him, grabbing his hand and slowly moving my thumb over his knuckles. 

"C'mon Michael, wake up for me, please."

Ashton walked over, he had tears in his eyes. "Luke, I don't want to say this but Michael, he got burned by the pyrotechnics on half of his body and," He took a deep breath, trying to contain himself. "Luke, Michael is dead."

I shot up, I had tears streaming down my face. I needed to see Michael, I wanted to feel his body pressed to mine, I wanted to know he was okay.

I got up, not bothering to put a shirt on and grabbed my penguin. I walked out of my room, squinting at the light from the hallway, and started to walk to Michael's room. When I got to his room, I knocked. Even though I had a key for emergencies, I didn't want to barge. Soon enough, Michael opened the door, still rubbing the sleep from his eyes. He took notice of my tear stained cheeks and took me into a hug. 

"Lukey, what happened? Why were you crying?" He asked, rubbing my back.

"I-I had a nightmare, you died from the flames, Mikey I was scared." I started crying into his chest, he kissed my forehead and pulled me out of the hug. 

"Luke, I'm okay, see? I'm not going anywhere. Do you wanna sleep with me tonight?"

I nodded at the offer but when I walked to the bed I saw it was made for one person. I cocked my head in question, similar to a puppy when it doesn't understand a command. Michael noticed my confusion, "You can sleep on top of me, don't worry I won't let you fall off. If you fall, I fall. It's like the All Time Low lyric 'We go together or we don't go down at all'"

I smiled at the All Time Low reference and waited for Michael to get into the bed. I put my penguin on the night stand and crawled in on top of Michael, I felt his arms wrap around me and he kissed my head, "Goodnight, Lukey."

I smiled, "Goodnight, Mikey. I love you."

We woke up the next morning to see fans on twitter going crazy because Ashton posted a picture of Michael and I on twitter and we were planning our revenge on him. 

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