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A/N Okay, this is a really important chapter so I'm kinda scared 0-0 But here we go!!

I nearly got lost trying to get to the address Harper sent me two days later. She had simply said that we were working "off location" today and then sent the address. My phone was glitching out so I couldn't plug it into my GPS so I was navigating with my little knowledge of the layout of Edwards County.

By the time I finally made it, it was nearly ten o'clock, almost fifteen minutes after Harper had told us to meet.

"Where have you been, girl?" she immediately asked as I crossed the parking lot and saw all three members of the band leaning against a jacked up pickup that was bright purple. It had to be Harper's, no doubt about it.

"Sorry, I'm still learning to navigate this place and I don't really have a car right now."

She narrowed her eyes. "Chica, why didn't you tell me? We could have thrown you in the bed of my truck." She thumped her fist against the tailgate, sending me a wicked smirk.

"You should be glad you walked. She drives so fast, you would have definitely fallen out the back," Greyson said, shaking his head and giving me an exasperated look.

Chuckling, I followed them as they all started to walk into the massive building before us. "So what is this place?" Its sign simply said "The Launch Pad."

"This place," Harper exclaimed, "is the coolest trampoline park ever!"

Cocking my head, I unsuccessfully held back a smile. "And we're coming here to practice?"

She waved her hand through the air. "I may have fibbed a bit about actually working. I already talked to Trainer and he said this was fine."

"He did?" Sean questioned skeptically.

"Eh, more or less."

Greyson and Sean shared a look before holding the doors open for us ladies.

If I thought the place was big on the outside, then I was sorely mistaken because the inside looked even bigger than I had anticipated. It had to be at least six stories tall with two separate levels connected by a ropes course that made up the centerpiece of the room. Around it were hundreds of trampolines, some even propped on the walls. There were foam pits and jousting beams and rock walls and even an indoor skydiving station. And that was just the first floor.

"I told you," Lemon practically sang as she noticed my mouth hanging wide open. "I knew that since you were new to Edwards this would be the best place to officially welcome you as part of the band!" Leaning toward me, she whispered, "I even have a little girl versus guy competition planned so I can finally beat the boys at something."

Shaking my head, I turned my wide gaze on Harper. "You are literally amazing, do you know that?"

She shrugged with a grin. "I try." Before I could say anything else, she snatched up my hand, turning into her usual ball of energy that matched her wild hair. "Let's go get our wrist bands so we can get jumping! There are so many things I have to show you!"

After all four of us bought a pass and a pair of socks, and put on our bright pink bracelets, we rushed to the regular trampolines first, Harper claiming she wanted to get warmed up before scaling "Mount Everest" or, in more formal words, the ropes course. Though I had to admit that it was quite tall.

As we got jumping, Greyson jumped from square to square, landing in the one next to the one I'd claimed. "Can you do any flips?"

I threw my head from side to side. "Eh, kind of. I haven't been on a trampoline in years so I might be a little rusty."

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