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It was Sunday and my stomach was rolling like crazy. But I forced myself to take deep breaths because Harper was really coming to church with me!

We had all decided to carpool in Greyson's SUV so I had woken up extra early so I would be ready when he picked me up. I made sure that everything about my appearance was perfect so that Harper knew that I took church seriously. After putting on a flowy red jumpsuit and applying mascara and a bit of lip gloss, I curled the ends of my hair in soft ringlets. Looking at myself in the mirror, I knew that it was the most I could do.

As I was toasting my bagel for breakfast, I grabbed my phone and checked to see if I had any notifications from any of my friends or Jordan. There was nothing. But I was ansty, so I pulled up Jordan's name.

Hey, don't forget to use product on your hair! ;D, I joked teasingly. I waited for him to reply, but it didn't even say read. He must have been busy getting ready.

My bagel popped from the toaster and I grabbed a knife and my strawberry cream cheese and lathered a thick layer on. I looked at the time and hurried began eating, knowing that Geryson would arrive in only a few minutes.

I was chewing on my last bite as I collected my purse when someone knocked on the door. I shuffled over and opened it. "Hey, give me one second."

Greyson smiled and let me quickly grab a vitamin drink from the fridge.

"Alright, all set." I locked my apartment door and followed Greyson outside. When we approached his white SUV, I noticed that I was the first one he had picked up. Which made sense since Sean and Harper lived in the same apartment complex and mine was closer to Greyson's.

I climbed into the passenger's seat as Greyson got into the driver's. As he started the car, he said, "That red looks good on you."

I looked down at myself and gave him an appreciative smile. "Thanks. I haven't worn this outfit yet, so I'm glad it doesn't look bad."

He grinned lopsidedly. "Nowhere close."

I took in his own perfectly crisp blue button up and slacks. "I don't think I've ever seen you in anything but jeans or sweatpants before."

He laughed as he pulled out of the parking lot. "Church is the only place I will ever wear slacks."

"Of course. I bet you will wear sweatpants to your wedding."

Greyson chuckled. "If the bride will let me."

Laughing, I adjusted in my seat to where my purse was at my side and out of the way, then asked, "Did you get any breakfast?"

"Yeah, I always eat with my family on Sunday mornings."
"Aw, that's so sweet. I don't think I've ever asked, but do you have any siblings?"

"Yeah, three."

"What are they like?"

We continued talking as we drove to pick up Sean and Harper. It was nice just talking with Greyson since I hadn't had much time with him in a while. Usually, all we talked about was music. It was refreshing to just be normal friends instead of coworkers.

Sean and Harper were standing outside of their building when we arrived. They climbed into the backseat and I swiveled so I could look at them. "Wow, you guys clean up nice," I teased. Though they really did. Sean wore a grey sweater vest over a button up with khakis while Harper wore one of her less revealing dresses, that was casual but nice, in a deep blue.

"Thank you, girlie. So do you. It almost seems like you're dressing up to see someone?" She winked.

I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, you."

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