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I was so full after our amazing dinner that when Josie yelled, "Game time!" I had to hold back a groan. Sure, I wanted to play games, but I wasn't sure I could physically move.

"Don't worry," Jordan said to me as everyone started to stand from the table. "The pie eating contest is first so you'll have a minute to relax before the real games start."

I wasn't sure how he did it, but he was getting better and better at reading my mind.

Ihad no clue how they had enough room in their stomachs for a pie eating contest, but everyone circled around the island in the kitchen to watch Ronnie, Tony, Brenden, Quinn, and surprisingly Belle participate in the contest.

"Bec, you should give it a whirl," I suggested with a mischievous grin.

Bec shook her head. "I'm already so full, I weigh as much as the Titanic."

"Aw, come on. I'm sure you've got room in your leg or something," Cam teased as he smacked her quad.

She glowered at him and smacked him back, which started another war. Jordan and I stepped to the side to avoid their flailing arms as we laughed at them.

"Cameron Robert!" Trish scolded, causing him to freeze. Bec stopped, too, before bursting into laughter.

"Oh, I'm definitely calling you Bobby from now on," she said in between frantic giggles.

"Wow, I can tell you guys are friends," Jordan muttered to me.

I stuck my tongue out at him and he poked me in the stomach playfully. I wiggled away before saying, "I'm sorry for making fun of you, Bash."

"Don't you even start." He poked me again.

"Boys!" Trish said again. "Don't make me lock both of you in the time out room."

They both furrowed their brows and I had a hard time not joining Bec in her abundant cackling.

After a few more minutes, the pie eating contest finally started. Each of the contestants had a half of a pie and whoever ate it the fastest won. My money was on Belle just because she looked like she had a trick up her sleeve but Jordan assured me that it would be his dad. Apparently, he won almost every year except for when Tony convinced everyone that he had won instead.

We all cheered as Trish screamed, "Go!" The rule was no hands and so everyone dove nose first into their piece of pie. Though I was cheering for Belle, I felt a little grossed out as Quinn slung orange goo across the island as he devoured his piece like a rabid animal.

Before Belle was even halfway through her pie, Ronnie yelled, "Done!" Though, it sounded more like "dum" since his mouth was still full.

"You have to swallow first," Trish said, reciting the rules.

As if to prove a point, he dramatically swallowed and then opened his mouth to her. Even though his tongue was covered in orange saliva, he had definitely swallowed.

"Ronnie wins!"

"Aw, cum om!" Tony said through his giant bite.

Quinn acted as if he didn't even hear Trish, continuing to scarf down his piece like his life depended on it.

"Alright, respective individuals. Help your contestant clean up." Trish offered the spectators wet wipes to give to our pumpkin-covered companions.

Jordan gave the whole container of wipes to Quinn while I grabbed a few for Belle. When I handed them to her, I grinned. "You put up a good fight."

"Thanks," she said with a slightly shy smile. I watched as she wiped the orange gunk from her nose and mouth.

"Are you normally a part of the contest?"

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