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Turns out my mom had plans coming out of her ears for the days leading up to her wedding. You would think she'd be stressed out, but no. She was just freakishly excited. I, on the other hand, was very stressed out, yet I wasn't the one getting married. I had no idea how that worked.

After a very interesting dress rehearsal and tea party themed bachelorette party Friday, I woke up buzzing Saturday morning. No need for coffee when butterflies are rampaging in your stomach at eight in the morning, right?

I rolled out of the queen sized hotel bed and ran my fingers through my knotted hair. Shuffling to the bathroom, I was met with a monster looking back at me in the mirror. I groaned and got to work working out the rats' nest in my hair and trying to cover the shadows under my eyes. Deciding on a pair of sweatpants and a casual long sleeve shirt since I would be changing and getting ready for the wedding soon anyway, I finally looked halfway presentable. Well, enough that I wouldn't scare off the cleaning ladies walking down the hotel hallways.

Just as I was shoving my dirty night clothes into my suitcase, a knock came from my door. "Do you want to eat some breakfast?"

I couldn't hold back my burst of laughter. It was Jordan, signing the question to the tune of "Do You Want To Build A Snowman?" At least I think that's what it was. He was so off tune it could be Jingle Bells and I wouldn't be able to tell.

Unlocking my door, I leaned against the doorframe and looked out at my boyfriend with my arms crossed.

He gave me the cheesiest grin I had ever seen and it was so adorable that I had to laugh again. "Morning, sunshine!" he exclaimed.

As he pecked a kiss on my cheek, I replied, "Good morning to you, too. Why so perky?"

"I already had my coffee today and I'm excited to see you. A very perky concoction."

My smile widened. "Well, I'm not complaining. Are we eating downstairs in the lobby?"

"If that's okay with you. I want a little time with you before you have to leave me to sparkle up for the wedding." He wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me closer.

"Sparkle up?" I asked incredulously as I rested my hands on his chest.

"It is the official term for dressing up to be a bridesmaid." He winked playfully with a grin.

My stomach still fluttered in response, all these weeks later. You'd think I'd be used to it by now. "Well, if it was my choice, I would wear these exact sweats to the wedding and spend the entire day with you instead of getting ready. But since it's not up to me, I guess just having breakfast together will have to work."

He looked disappointed but was instantly smiling again. "I guess I'll have to make you a tremendous tower of waffles so our little time together is worth it."

I chuckled. "Ah, yes, the only reason I would want to spend time with you is for your waffles."

"You don't know how many times I've been told that."

I sputtered another laugh. He was on a roll this morning. "Okay, waffle master, let me get my shoes on and then we can head down."

I started to pull away but he held my waist tight. I looked up at him and he smirked. "Just one thing first." I had no idea what he meant until he shifted and brushed the softest of kisses on my temple. And then one on my jaw.

My face was flaming when he leaned back. "You just did that to see me blush."

He snickered a little. "Maybe. But you're just so darn cute when you get all rosy. And maybe it was also because I want to make sure that by the end of this crazy day, when you finally have enough time for me, you won't forget that I care about you."

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