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I spent the rest of the day at the hospital and was planning on spending the night there, too, but Jordan insisted that I go home to get proper rest. And I was glad he convinced me because the instant I fell into bed, I started to doze off.

But I didn't linger at my apartment long, because I woke up bright and early the next morning and only stopped at McDonald's, to grab a quick breakfast, and a convenient store before heading to the hospital.

Shoving the McDonald's bag into my backpack, I casually stepped into the waiting room, signed in, and headed toward Jordan's room.

I pushed his door open and swiftly closed it behind me so no one could get a whiff of the food in my bag and arrest me. Spinning around, I sent Jordan a victorious smile.

"What's that for?" his sleepy morning self asked gruffly as he rubbed his eyes. I couldn't help the way my heart leapt in my chest at the change in his voice.

Plopping down in the chair next to his bed, I yanked out the brown paper bag. "Egg McMuffins!"

"Really?" He was suddenly awake and sitting up. He grabbed his stomach for a second as he moved, but then the pain was forgotten as he took the food from me. "You don't even understand how much I needed this today."

As he took a giant bite, I chuckled bashfully. "The food here is really that bad?"

"Not... bad," he mumbled with chipmunk cheeks full of eggy English muffin. "Just not Egg McMuffin good."


As he scarfed his breakfast down, taking sips of the chocolate milk I also brought him, I sat out my array of items from my bag. "Okay, so for entertainment today we have anything online in which I have a Netflix account if you want to binge watch anything. I have magazines and books in case you're into that. I have a puzzle and cards, lots of random snacks, and some Bible study things."

Looking at all the items spread out across his legs, he smirked. "You're not leaving anytime soon, are you?"

"Nope!" I chirped as I started to open the deck of cards.

"What about practice? Aren't you supposed to work with the band everyday?"

"Harper said I can have today off as long as I come to the next few afternoon practices. It's all organized." Scooting the chair up to the side table, I gave the stiff cards a good shuffle. "Besides, I have to have you at your best by next weekend for my first show with the band."

He raised his brows. "I thought you had a while before your first concert."

"Yeah, well, Trainer is super excited to introduce the new girl in The Vision and moved up the date."

"Are you okay with that?"

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" I gave him an unconcerned look as I straightened out the cards in my hand.

He shrugged one shoulder. "I guess I just thought you wanted a little more time."

"It'd be nice, but I'm confident that it will still be great, you know? We have great chemistry and I feel I fit pretty well with them musically. So it will be fine." I started to split the deck into two piles, smushing out the little bit of nerves that rattled in the back of my brain. I had learned that speaking positivity was the best way to block out the anxiety.

Curiosity must have taken over Jordan's mind because he let the subject drop, looking at the cards. "What are we playing?"

"War. Ever played?"

He laughed. "You're looking at the War master. I beat my brother every time and he always gets so upset."

"Well, looks like you have some real competition today," I said confidently. "I've never lost a game."

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