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I tried to keep my breathing even as Jordan's Range Rover cruised down the road. We were surrounded by tall trees but I knew they would break soon and reveal Witlyn Springs Housing Edition, the biggest housing edition in and around Kingsford. Of course his parents lived there. They ran their own real estate company.

I wasn't sure why I felt like I was going to puke. After Jordan met my parents, it was only fair that I met his. But I was starting to realize his reservations for meeting my mom and dad. Because I was having similar thoughts.

What if they hated me? What if I accidentally spilt the gravy boat all over their beautiful Thanksgiving table? What if I completely embarrassed myself and ruined everything?

My stomach was rolling with each and every question. I knew they weren't rational questions or fears. But if it was true that meeting his parents made things different, would it be a good or bad different?


I jumped from my thoughts and snapped my gaze over to Jordan.

He raised his brows and gave me an easy smile. "I know I keep asking, but are you okay?"

I swallowed. "If feeling like an elephant is trying to crawl out of my stomach is okay, then yes, I am perfectly amazing."

He chuckled softly. "So now you know why I was freaking out at your mom's wedding." He held up a finger. "Though that is not justification for what I said and I will never stop saying sorry for being such a jerk to you."

I couldn't hold back my smile as I responded, "You really do need to stop. It's been five days and I'm fairly sure you've almost beat the record for how many times you can apologize in that time frame."


I sighed, though my mouth was pulled into a smile. "How about as the ultimate 'I'm sorry' you just forget about it?"

He furrowed his brows. "But then it'll look like I'm not sorry when I really am."

"Oh, no," I laughed. "The best thing you can do to make it up to me is just stop talking about it because it's really annoying."

He slapped a hand on his chest with a gasp. I burst into laughter as he tried to look offended. "So this is what I get when I try to be nice?"

I barely squeaked out a "yes" in between my spurts of laughing.

I was so distracted trying to calm myself down that I didn't realize that we were in Witlyn Springs until Jordan pulled into a driveway of a huge house. My laughter died on my lips as I stared at the place in awe.

"So this is my parents house," Jordan said as he put the car in park.

"I think it could eat my dad's house."

He chuckled. "Yeah, my parents aren't exactly known for modesty when it comes to houses. It's kind of their job."

He gave me a quick smile before unlocking the doors and climbing out. But I just stared at the near mansion in front of me. More specifically, I stared at the cherry red door. This was happening. Even if Jordan had distracted me some during the car ride, I couldn't ignore the fact that I was really about to meet his parents.

It's not a big deal, I told myself. They're just two more people. It will all go amazing. I wasn't sure if this was a very good pep talk or not, but it was the best that I could conjure up.

"Ready?" Jordan asked. I looked over at him to see him holding the passenger door open for me. I took a deep breath, unfastened my seatbelt, and accepted his helping hand as I climbed out of the car.

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