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A/N Fair warning, this chapter is a bit lovey-dovey but I promise it's cute! :D

It was almost noon on Friday when our flight landed back in Edwards, but I was extremely tired. I had barely gotten any sleep the night before because my head had been spinning with questions and worries and no matter how many times I told myself it wasn't a big deal, I couldn't seem to turn off the onslaught of stress. It was just a song. I was just a bridesmaid. My mom was just getting married. My mom had just not told my dad yet.

It was just cancer.

For some reason this one got me every time. I could answer and soothe myself out of all the other worries. But this one felt heavier. Because after realizing the five weeks really wasn't that long of a time, I was starting to think so much more about Jordan's condition. Really, I wasn't sure how he was doing. He seemed fine, but at the same time, he didn't talk about it much. What if I was living in a false security that everything was steady? What if he was still pushing me away by not telling me if something was wrong? What if things got worse before he could go to my mom's wedding with me?

With each round of "what ifs", I came back to a Bible verse that had popped into mind late last night: Jeremiah 29:11. "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future."

Plans to prosper. A hope. A future.

Jordan had a hope and, so importantly, a future. I had a future. And... maybe we had a future, too.

Whatever God's plan was would happen if I, we, just trusted in him and did our part.

"Guess who?" someone said as hands slipped over my eyes from behind. I had been so zoned out that I hadn't even heard them step up behind the bench I was sitting on.

I felt a warm smile stretch across my face. "Hmm, let's see... Dwayne the Rock Johnson?"

"Close. You've got the body type right."

I laughed as Jordan's hands fell away. I stood and faced him, rounding around the end of the bench. His smile was so happy and bright that I felt the stress and anxiety slowly trickling away.

Before he could say anything else, I slipped my arms around his torso and rested my head on his shoulder. His warmth seeped into me as he returned the hug, resting the side of his chin on my head. I sighed. He was here. He was completely okay. He wasn't pushing me away. There was nothing to worry about.

"Are you okay, El?" he whispered. He must have felt how heavy and tired my body was. Or maybe he could tell I had been overthinking everything.

I nodded against his T-shirt. "It's just been a busy few days. And I missed you."

I felt his smile against my hair. "I missed you, too. Are you still okay to come with me to my chemo session or are you too exhausted? It's okay if you just want to go home."

I pulled away, shaking my head before he'd even finished speaking. "No, I still want to come. And afterward we can go on our date if you're up for it."

His eyes sparkled. "I'm up for it if you are."

Grinning, I nodded. "Good. I am."

He brushed a soft kiss on my cheek and I felt my heart speed up and my face flame. When he pulled away, I looked up at him through my lashes bashfully.

"Want to grab something for lunch?" he asked. "I'll pay."

I furrowed my brows. "You don't need to."

"Buuut I want to."

I tried to look annoyed but he made it hard when he sent me the cutest smile I had ever seen. Deflating, I sighed. "Fine. But I'll pay for the next one."

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