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A couple days later, I found myself dropping my pencil on my notebook and running my fingers through my hair. An exasperated sigh escaped my lips and I felt like snapping that same pencil in half. I had been working on Preston's vow song for several hours but barely had a couple random chords.

Normally, writing songs was easy. But I had never written a song this important before. I had only ever written one song for someone else, when I'd helped the band out with Today's The Day, and I felt like I was going to royally fail. I knew not only would I fail, but I would fail in front of thousands of very high end guests and probably a couple of big time magazine writers.

I knew I was making it a bigger deal than it was. It was just a song. It was something that ran in me like the blood in my veins. And I had over half the lyrics already. But I felt like every time I came up with something, it just wasn't good enough for a millionaire. Or... good enough for my mom.

Maybe I was nervous to write this for Preston. But maybe I was even more nervous to write this for my mom. We were kind of on decent terms right now, after her compliment about my voice and her asking me to sing at her wedding. But it felt so fragile. It felt like if I didn't get this perfect, her faith in me would vaporize and the good ground we had found would crumble.

"I need a break," I moaned, rubbing at my temples. I practically fell off my bed, leaving my songwriting notebook and guitar on my rumpled covers.

I rummaged through my fridge and found a bottle of vitamin water. I grabbed it and a handful of blueberries then bounced onto my couch.

I was about halfway through my blueberry handful when my phone started ringing in my bedroom. I groaned and dragged myself back into my room, fumbling for my phone.

"Hello?" I answered, though it sounded more like "he-woh" because of the several blueberries crammed in my mouth.

"Are you half asleep or something?" Greyson asked, noticing my weird tone.

I tried to swallow as much as I could before answering, "No, just eating. What's up?"

"Okay, so I was hanging out with Sean today and he wants to come to church with me this weekend."

I perked up. "That's great! Do you think he's getting close?"

"Definitely. Ever since I brought it up a few days ago, he's been asking a lot of questions and been really open with me. He even asked if he could come with me to church. He hasn't done that before."

"That's amazing!" Even though originally I had thought up this plan to help Harper loosen up about the idea of Christianity, I was really glad to see Sean starting to accept this idea. Though we weren't super close, he was still my friend and I couldn't wait for him to find Jesus so I could still be friends with him for eternity.

"Any progress with Harper?" Greyson asked, interrupting my thoughts.

I sighed. "Not really. Every time I try to subtly bring it up in conversation, she changes the subject. She's obviously trying to avoid it, so that's why I think Sean might be able to help. She definitely has a soft spot for him that neither of us can touch."

Greyson hummed in understanding. "Agreed. Well, I'll keep working with Sean and see what happens. Wish me luck!"

"Good luck. I'll be praying that everything goes well."

"Thanks. See you at practice tomorrow."

"Bye." We hung up.

Though it had been a short conversation, it left me excited. Things were going well and I couldn't wait for my friends to finally see the truth. Helping Jordan had been so rewarding for both him and me, and I knew helping Sean and Harper would be the same way.

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