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Jordan texted me the details of our dinner date that afternoon and I FaceTimed Harper to help me pick out an outfit. Because it was so cold, we decided on a simple black turtleneck, a pair of charcoal grey straight legged jeans, a fur jacket, and my black boots. It was casual but cute and extremely comfy.

At around seven, Jordan knocked on my front door.

I answered with an excited smile. "Hey."

"Hey." He grinned. He looked at my outfit. "You look really comfortable."

I narrowed my eyes playfully. "Not cute? Or snazzy? Or amazing?"

He smirked and tugged on my jacket, bringing me closer to him. "How about all of the above?"

I laughed and planted a little kiss on his nose, the tension from before finally fizzling away. I couldn't help but smile in relief that we were going to be okay.

"Let me grab my purse and then we can go." I extricated myself from his hold and shuffled to my room. Once I had snatched up my purse, I made my way back to the living room and gave him a smile. "All ready."

He escorted me out and we went down the elevators and out into the parking lot. He had left his engine on, so when I slipped into the passenger seat of his car, I was hit with warmth. I couldn't help but sigh after having been in the below freezing temperatures outside.

As we drove, we sat in comfortable silence, only cut by the music quietly playing on Jordan's radio. I watched as we passed mounds of snow and cozy looking shops, feeling the wintery atmosphere deep in my bones. I even saw some Christmas lights here and there.

"I can't wait for Christmas," I said to Jordan as we passed a particularly decked out store front. Looking at him, I grinned. "It will be our first one together."

He smiled softly, glancing at me and then back at the road. "I hadn't even thought about that. I need to start getting gifts."

"You still have a month," I commented. "Plus, I don't really need a gift."

He furrowed his brows. "Of course you do. It's Christmas."

"Honestly, just spending time with you is a gift enough. And I know that sounds cheesy, but I'm serious. I don't really want anything else."

His eyes gleamed as he looked at me. Reaching over, he laced his fingers with mine, giving my hand a squeeze. I thought he wasn't going to say anything in response but when we came to a stop light, he said, "Well... I'm getting you a gift anyway."

Chuckling, I shook my head.

We made it to the restaurant fifteen minutes later. It was called Baylee's Bistro and was small but cute. Jordan said he had only ever been there once, but it was the best french food he had ever had. Well, the only french food he had ever had, but he still said it was really good.

Jordan opened the passenger door for me gentlemanly, and I gave him a warm smile. Offering his hand, he jokingly said, "M'lady."

"Why, thank you, kind sir." I slipped my hand in his and climbed out. He closed the door behind me and I expected him to release my hand, but he didn't. I didn't mind though. His fingers were warm and cut some of the chill.

When we entered the restaurant, I was hit with a mix of the most delicious aromas. The warmth of the air mixed with the dim lighting and the amazing smell made me feel perfectly content on the inside.

"Salut, welcome to Baylee's Bistro," a hostess said from behind a podium. She had a slight French accent, setting the mood even more. "Just two today?" she asked Jordan.

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