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Over the course of the next week, I felt the wedding become all too real to me. My mom texted me nearly every day with updates, though I had never asked her to, and Preston sent his vows that Thursday, setting his precious surprise for my mom completely in my hands.

Not only that, but The Vision had another show tomorrow night and we were practicing double time because Harper added in several new songs that I wasn't very familiar with. I even had two solos this time instead of one, putting extra pressure on me to sing perfectly.

Not that the band was pressuring me. They were actually being really relaxed about it all. But every time I messed up on a certain note on one of my songs, I felt like I was failing them.

I was so busy that I had only seen Jordan in person twice throughout the week, though we texted every day. And I felt like a horrible girlfriend even though I knew it wasn't completely my fault.

So that was why I was stepping off the bus at his apartment building with a bag of apology Chinese food, extra fortune cookies thrown in just in case.

I went up the elevator and down the hall to his door. Shifting the bag from one hand to the other, I gave a quick knock.

I waited for a while, and just when I thought maybe he wasn't home, the door knob rattled and the door slowly swung open.

"Hey." I smiled at Jordan.

He was wearing a black tank top and gray sweatpants which displayed his very lean muscles. Though I was pretty sure he had lost even more weight since that last time I had checked.

Rubbing his eyes, he rasped, "Hey."

He seemed tired so I tried to stay gentle as I said, "I brought Chinese." I lifted up the bag, making the smell of chow mein woft up to my nose. My stomach grumbled in response.

"Um, thanks." He nodded and stepped aside so I could come in. I tried not to notice his weird behavior but it was hard to ignore. I convinced myself he had probably just woken up from a late morning nap or something and was still foggy headed with sleep.

I plopped down on the couch and started pulling out boxes of food from the plastic bag, laying them across the coffee table. "I didn't know if you wanted sweet and sour chicken or fried rice this time so I just got both. Plus extra egg rolls. I didn't know how hungry you would be." I eyed him as he dragged his feet over and slowly sat down next to me. Looking back at the food, I added, "And the extra food may or may not represent my amount of guilt."

His eyebrows furrowed slightly. "Why?"

I tucked a stray hair behind my ear, ripping the packaging of a pair of chopsticks. "I've been super busy and I haven't hung out with you a lot. And I feel bad. So this is my extra delicious apology."

I expected him to laugh, but only received a twitch of a smile. "You didn't have to."

"But I wanted to. And, come on, you can't deny that it smells amazing." I held out the now ready-to-use chopsticks to him with a grin. He eyed them a moment before taking them from me, admitting that the food was too great of a temptation to deny.

I chuckled as he dug into the sweet and sour chicken.

As I munched on an egg roll, I folded my legs underneath me and faced him, casually asking, "So what have you been up to as I've been so rudely ignoring you."

Again, he didn't laugh at my joke, only saying, "Nothing much. I took a few more pictures."

"Oh, yeah?" I asked excitedly, perking up at the mention. "Could I see them?"

He seemed to stiffen in the shoulders. "Maybe another day."

I deflated a bit. "Oh, okay."

I knew that someone knowing about his hobby was new to him, but I had been hoping he would embrace the fact and show me more of his stuff. But I also knew that it would probably take time for him to loosen up about it and realize that he was a great photographer. So I let the subject drop for now.

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