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**Because I can't dedicate chapters to more than one person, I am writing out the dedications: @Living_Faith, @JenniferTheWriter777, and @Henneth-Annun for their very entertaining argument over what would happen in this chapter XD**

°•° One Year Later °•°

I blew at the piece of hair that stubbornly kept falling into my eyes. I had tucked it behind my ear a thousand times today, but, of course, it wouldn't stay. One of the downfalls of cutting my hair a little shorter, I guess.

Scrubbing at the maple syrup stains on the table, I huffed. No matter how many times I cleaned up after a table of kids, it would never be easy.

I stood up once I was done and stretched my back that had started complaining from bending over so much. My apron, which had gotten twisted as I cleaned, was covered in gross stains that I didn't want to begin to think about. But at least it protected my pink uniform waitress skirt.

Sighing, I took my container of dirty dishes back into the kitchen, setting them in the ever growing pile. Wyona made me do them everyday before I left work, but I just never was able to get caught up from the day before.

I was headed back out to the dining room when the view outside of the window caught my eye. I looked out at the sky and couldn't help but smile. Silver clouds were dotted throughout the blue, floating casually from one direction to the other.

I shook my head. I remembered when all I wanted to do after seeing clouds like those was sing and write songs. But things were different.

It wasn't that I didn't write or sing anymore. I did all the time. But it just wasn't the same.

For one, it was weird writing on my own again after the band split up. I had stuck it out with them for almost six months, but ultimately it just wasn't where I needed to stay. After giving them my tearful resignation, they actually all confessed.

Lemon told me that she had been thinking for a long time about traveling around the US. Apparently it had been her dream since she was a kid to sing in every major city throughout the states, even if it was just in some random restaurant or shop. She admitted to feeling a little too tied down in Edwards.

Of course, Sean said that he was going with her. After they got together it seemed like they were joined at the hip. Wherever one went, the other followed. I knew that it would be even more so with their wedding coming up this spring.

As for Greyson, he loved singing but had actually decided to go to culinary school, which had shocked us all. I knew he could cook, obviously, but I had never dreamed that he would do anything like that. Though he was only halfway through schooling now, Harper made him promise to bake her and Sean's wedding cake. He happily agreed.

We were on better terms, which made me more relieved than I thought possible. Even though it had taken a while not to be awkward around one another, when he moved away, we said goodbye and hugged like old friends. We still talked and I missed him every day. I missed all three of them every day.

But at least there was FaceTime and texting so it wasn't too hard to stay in touch.

Not only did I talk to them almost everyday, but I also talked to Kason just as much. And Abigail. She was growing up so fast. I laughed to myself, remembering the other day when Kason had called me, freaking out. When I had asked him what had happened, he beamed so wide, I thought his teeth would fall out. Apparently, the only thing that had happened was that Abby had said his name. Well... "Kassi." He had called it close enough.

I couldn't wait for Kason to finish her adoption process. He was already showing what a great father he would be to her, even if he really was her uncle.

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