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Takenichi's POV

I continued to walk to Hina's house after my exhausting day. I really needed to inform Naoto about my relatioship with Toman's captain.

Or shouldn't I?

All of this seems so.. fun? I never thought that I would finally feel happy about my past. I always used to be so miserable.

I used to have such a tiring and boring life.

My days used to be the same, every single one of them.

I got sick of it. Sick of getting beaten up, again and again. Sick of going to sleep, wishing that I never wake up again. Sick of looking at the mirror while being disgusted of the person who stands in front of me. I got sick of this, sick of that....

At least all of this is over now...

"You know what?! I'm tired of being sick of myself! I AM FUCKING T-I-R-E-D!"

I could feel people's eyes on me, though I didn't give a damn.

"I'm gonna live my life now that I can and-" I took a few breaths, then continued. "And I'm gonna enjoy it!"

I then started running in the middle of the street like a small child. I'm finally happy, aren't I? I am gonna act however I wanna act, and if anyone picks on me, heh, if anyone even dares to pick on me, then I'll-

Right. What will I do?

Well, they will not pick up on me because I am Mikey-kun and Draken-kun's friend now.

I tried to forget whatever I was thinking at that moment and kept running home, running like a little child until-

"Take" I jeard a voice beside me, sounded like Akkun. "What the hell are you doing?"

What the hell was I doing? Well I don't know either.

"It's nothing." I said, in order to look as normal as I could. "I'm just in such a good mood!"

"Hm? Our crybaby hero is in a good mood? Why don't we celebrate that, then?" Akkun said with a grin. "Let's go get some yakisoba! Watcha think?"
{time skip}
  "What the absolute hell is going on?!" shouted Akkun. Seems like we walked to  a gang fight.. or so it seemed.

  There were three males, around six feet, all blonde and seemed to be well-trained, fighting against a guy, whose face was completely covered by a mask and hoodie. Their height comparasion was huge, since I could tell that the guy with his face covered could be even shorter than me.

   No matter his height, the short guy kept beating one of the three others a$$ off. Funny, I thought. This man is a true legand.. maybe I would even manage to be like him one day.

  "Takemichi.. I think we better go before-" A maniac laugh interrupted Akkun
  "You thought you could defeat Moebius, you selfish wh*re?!" One of the tall guys shouted. Wait, Moebius? Wasn't that the gang Draken-kun was talking about?

  "Why dont we see the face of whom dares disrespect us?" said the other one, while he walked closer to the unkown boy, who had already manage to knock his friend out.

  I couldn't feel Akkun's appearance beside me any more, supposing he had already left.

  But I didn't want to leave.

  My curiosity wanted me to stand there, to see the face of this tiny legand.

  "Take!!" Akkun shouted. "Do you want to get beaten up?! Let's f*ck!ng leave!"

  I watched the tallest man rip the overcoat that hid most of the face and body of the short one. As the piece of clothe fell all the floor, we all could see the revealed innocent, emerald eyes, long, wavy black hair and attractive body of a.. no way...

  "H-holy shit! A female?!"

  Akkun seemed to be completely stunned, not only but her attractiveness and beauty, but also for her ability to teach the men a lesson... and I didn't blame him. He really wasn't able to let his eyes out of her.

  To be honest, I wasn't less amazed.
The person who I characterized as an idol a few moments ago was a girl?! I never thought I could ever be impressed by a girl... Badass!

  "Y/n Matsuno" she begun talking. "I hope y'all are pleased you saw my face.. Can we continue now?" CONTINUE?! ISN'T SHE AFRAID?! NOT EVEN A LITTLE?!

  All five of the boys who were there, including me and Akkun were speechless. Until the guy who laid on the floor - the one who had gotten beaten his butt up by her - broke the silence.

  "Matsuno? Does that mean that you are-" A kick that she gave him in the face caused an interruption. 

  I looked at the tallest one, the one who uncovered her beautiful features. Now that he had mentioned it, the last name 'Matsuno' did in fact remind me of something.. maybe someone, but I wasn't sure who.

  "Let's go guys." He said. I really don't feel like fighting with a woman."

     Y/n's POV
  "Oh of course" I said, trying to keep myself as calm as possible someone could be in a time like this. "You always feel like beating a woman up, f*ck!ng and disrespecting her, but when it comes to a moment where the woman can fight back and defend herself, you don't feel like fighting anymore"
  Oh Ken-kun and Kei-san would be so proud of me if the were here.. And Fuyu would join the fight so we could beat those guys a$$es together. When I didn't feel like any of those bitches was about to reply to me, I added a "Am I wrong?", again, in the calmest tone possible.

  I could feel the gazes of two other guys on me. One of them was blonde, who standed up close and starred as if he saw a hero, and the other one was red-haired, standed further, who seemed like.. a horny idiot.

  The guy who disrespected me had gone nuts, I could feel his anger, which was so much, that I bet he would have blown up if he hadn't turned back and left.

  As soon as the three Moebius b!tches left, the blondie run to me.

  "Y-you were so cool! Teaching these guys a lesson isn't something anyone can do!!" Why is he so excited? He is acting like a todler. "I'm Hanagaki Takemichi!"

  Hanagaki..? Now that sounds familiar.

  "Oi, Take!" The stupid red head said as he walked closer. "It's about time that we go home, I mean, it's almost midnight!"

  Midnight? Damn, my brother would be so worried..

  "Oh and, you" The guy beside Hanagaki said. "Did you say your last name was Matsuno?"

  "Yeah, I'm Y/n Matsuno." This b*tch probably knows my brother. It wouldn't be a surpise if he knew me as well.

   "Me and Akkun are gonna go home now." Said Hanagaki. "Goodnight,Y/n."


   All three of us then took different ways home.

  Oh if Kei-san saw this he would be so happy for me..

  Kei-san definitely would award me for being such a powerful woman..

  Why am I thinking about Baji now?!

  I should be thinking about my brother! Chifuyu would be so worried that I haven't returned yet!

  I started running as fast as I could in order to arrive as quickly as possible.

  Hello ! I decided to unpublish this book to edit the chapters a little and make small yet significant changes to the plot ((promise it's for the better !! 

I hope y'all enjoyed Chapter One ♡

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