104 3 3

November 19, 2017

Y/n's POV

Kazutora drove me and my brother at his place, which was a minimal house with a garden, and it suprisingly did not belong in the heart of Tokyo's metropolis, but in a quiet area that I absolutely adored. I mean, he did seem like a quiet person, and his home was very like him.

I changed as soon as I got home to one of Kazutora's shirts, which was oversized enough to reach my knees, and just my underwear as a bottom, since we were all pretty sure none of his clothes would fit me. He indeed offered to go buy me some shorts, but I told him it would be better if all of us stayed at home for now. Chifuyu went straight to bed by the time we arrived, he had been exhausted, and I doubt he got any sleep by the time of the meeting. Me and Hanemiya-san were sitting on his couch, both being silent as fuck, and my thoughs were at the same time about Takemichi, Kisaki, and Kazutora (and maybe the police officer. I don't know)

I need to get Takemichi out of jail. I promised I could do so, but I don't know how. Or, to be clear, I know how to do it, but it sure is a little risky. I need Kisaki's help, and either I want it or not, Kisaki WILL find me, no matter how hard I try to hide. I could tell him I wanted to manipulate my brother and the others, in order to be on both sides and gain their trust. Will he believe me though? I don't know. I should have thought about that before I actually almost killed Kisaki.

Now, I could also gain Hajime's trust. Kokonoi sure has money, he could have the whole Japanese police work under him if he wanted. But he sure wouldn't be by my side, even if I begged him, and he wouldn't do anything for Takemichi. But Kisaki is different. Kisaki is my husband; I gained his affection and trust once, and I could do it again. But I need a good excuse. He won't care about him, but I can probably threaten him that Takemichi is about to reveal Toman's secrets, and we all will be caught by the police. Boom. Just like that, everyone safe. I will also have fixed relationships with Chifuyu, because I will be 'manipulating him'. The truth is that the person I will be manipulating will actually be Tetta Kisaki.

I'm playing it as a ride or die. If Kisaki is smart enough to not believe me (he sure is the smartest of all Toman, so that wouldn't be easy) then I am dead on the spot. If Kisaki feels a little bit of pity for his so loved wife, then everything will end up dreamy.

"Can I ask you something?" I heard Kazutora's voice, while he was fidgeting his cup of hot coffee.


"You.." He seemed as if he regretted asking me that, he couldn't even hold straight eye contact as his eyes were focused on his cup. "You did all of this.. for Baji?"

I froze. Did I actually? It started in order to take revenge for Baji, but now its both for him to be happy, and for the people I care for to be safe.

"Actually.. It started that way, yes. But I believe that it wasn't the fact that Baji is my boyfriend that pushed me in order to do come so far. I think it could have been anyone, any member of Toman. Baji or not, a child who had still so much room to grow, he would become and adult and chase his dreams, he would have probably ended up being such a great person.. But he lost every opportunity in the worst way ever.." I fixed my gaze, turning to Kazutora whose eyes were watery once again. I forgot that he was one of the reasons Keisuke is dead.. but at the same time he isn't. Kazutora was just a trigger. If it wasn't him who Kisaki had manipulated, it would have been someone else.

"I'm sorry.." he looked at he ceiling, maybe he was trying to hold his tears back from running down his cheeks. "There hasn't been a day that passed where I don't miss him or think about him.. My.." he sniffed and his voice broke and i felt I huge pain in my heart right after hearing it. He has such an innocent soul. "My best friend.." I jumped and hugged him as tight as I could right upon hearing his sobs.

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