332 14 25

Trigger Warning: Beating up, mentions of rape, Kisaki Tetta. (okay I get it this was not funny)

Y/n's POV

I had spent the night at Keisuke's place, we actually cuddled the whole night, and he didn't let me take my jacket off for a single minute. He actually took a photo of me as well, I guess he wants to keep that great memory of ours.

To be honest, it took a while for me to get the momery of him hurting my brother so badly that I couldn't recognize him out of my head. It really wasn't a simple thing, I even think I got more hurt than Chifuyu did.

Mine and Kei-san's relationship is fully approved by Fuyu, though they don't hung out with each other or talk anymore. I don't know whose decision that was, but I personally believe that's the right thing to do.

Takemichi Hanagaki has apparently built a great friendship with my brother in the past two days. Chifuyu has exlained to me that he likes calling him 'partner' since they have the same goals, and even if I don't actually get what that means, I am quite happy for them.

As soon as I finished writing stuff that happened the past days on my diary, I stood up from swing I was sitting on, then walked away from the playground. It was my favourite place there, a playground at nightime is always pretty calm and it helps me relax.

Streets were dark and empty to my way home, and I felt feelings of anxiety and terror, so I called my boyfriend just in case, to have a little company. We talked about out-of-topic stuff, so that I could get less stressed. Gosh, he is so amazing.

"So, what are you doing right now?" I asked him through my flip phone.

"Feeding kittys. I left my window open and a few snuck in"

"Naughty ones!" I replied to him while giggling. He really is loved by animals.

"Yea, but they're hungry. And I couldn't resist.. You should look at how cute they are!" there was so much happiness in his voice, it made my stomach fill with butterflies.

"Oh, by the way.." he added. "You should see my new wallpaper. It's pretty cool, if you ask me"

"Cool? Is it kittens eating from your hand or something?"

He laughed with his heart before answering. "That would be cute, but no. My wallpaper is a lady who gets in my room for 'discussions', then ends up wearing my clothes and turning me on.."

I was blessed he couldn't see me right now, since my face has gotten all red. "I'll take that as a compliment" I said, and before I could even hear him reply, someone snapped my phone from behind. I turned back and faced the guy that had gotten my phone, a tall, strong-looking guy, along with five other dudes, about the same height as his. I noticed that all of them were wearing the same black jackets, with a logo sewed in a shade of godlen.

Toman's uniforms.

"Hey..?" I told them confused. The guy that was holding my phone dropped it on the ground and stepped on it, breaking it.

"What's wrong with you?!" I said then, and finally, the guy standing behind the one who destroyed my device replied.

"What's wrong with us huh?! You better ask yourself that, slut!"

I tried hiding my anger at that moment, I mean who was he to call me such words? "Can you please explain what is happening?"

"Slut" the one who stepped on my stuff said. "You dare be in our gang while fucking with a Valhalla member?"

"Our relationship has nothing to do with gangs! And it's none of your business either! Now if you excuse me, I'd like to go-" I told them, but I got interrupted by a punch in my back. I quickly turned back and kicked the one side of his face with my right leg.

The guys beside him seemed socked as they saw him falling on the ground. However, two of them walked to my direction and held me back so that I couldn't move. I tried defending myself in any way possible, but I couldn't. The one who had called me a whore first walked to me and hit me hard with a bat, causing my nose to bleed.

The man who had gotten kicked still hadn't moved from the ground, though the other two bystanders joined and hit me with their bare hands. I couldn't deny it, neither do something about it, so I just stood there, tears running down my cheeks, as three guys were beating me up, two others holding me.

"Open her legs" I heared one of them say, and I soon realized it was the one I hurt. "She is going to pay for her actions."

I didn't notice it, but I was crying even more now. Was it really gonna happen?

"Y'all" I heard a familiar voice say, and I was quite sure it wasn't any of the boys near me, since all of them stopped dealing with me and bowed to the where the voice came from. I didn't even bother looking , since if we're talking about someone that's their boss, he might be even more terrible than they are. I couldn't feel my legs anymore, I fell on the ground as my tears were silently dropping still.

"Look what you did to the poor girl.." the voice said, and as one of them begun explaining, his answer was just a "Shut it".

I was able to hear the sound of footsteps coming closer to me but I didn't even care. I wiped my tears with my trembling hands before I felt somebody touch my chin and turn me to look at their direction..

Kisaki Tetta.

He gave me a grin and said that it won't happen again as the others were leaving as alone, so that we could talk in peace.

"You're badly hurt, need any help?"

"No" I said while standing up. "I'll call one of the admins to discuss about it." I replied. He was a bitch, I remember what Keisuke told me.

"I am an admin" he chuckled in a cute way.

Will this bitch ever quit making me mad? I wanted to smash his face, but this voice in my head was telling me to play good, play good once again.

"I just want to talk with Keisuke first.." I tried to force a smile. "I can let you know later"

"Sure. Just don't trust Baji that much."

Is he trying to keep me away from my boyfriend now? "Why not?"

"Because if he actually cared, he would have thought about the consequences before leaving Toman" he said, his blue orbs were looking straight into my eyes. Like he hadn't left for you gang, bitch.

Now I knew why everybody trusted him this much.

Kisaki was a great actor..









Author's Note:

I am sorry for putting Kisaki into the person that saves you, but I thought about it again and again, and decided that he would stick better with the plot. I know that he is the kind of person who would pay others to attack you, so as to seem good saving you.

Anyways, hope you enjoyed this chapter <3

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