145 5 4

November 15th, 2005

Y/n's POV

'Hello, Kei-san.

It's been a while since your death and I miss you, everyday, I feel like missing you more and more. Chifuyu misses you too. He never finishes his yakisoba and saves the other half for you. He really admired you, I know he did. He trains everyday to become just like you. I wouldn't be surprised if he let his natural hair color grow, so that he would look like you more! Anyways.. I'm not writing this to talk about my brother. I ust wanted to apologize for not visiting you today. You see, we have a Toman meeting tonight, and Draken-kun called me and said I better be mentally prepared for it. I honestly do not know why, since I am not an important member, but.. deep inside I feel like it has to do with you, even if Fuyu said the otherwise. Maybe he knows something.'

I suddenly stopped writing as I heared my door knob open and Peke J jumped on my lap. I closed my notebook and started petting him while he purred in pleasure. Soon, Chifuyu, who was standing at the door, walked inside.

"Were you writing?" he asked, while Peke J jumped off of me.

"Yeah.." I replied, getting up.

"You should get ready, I don't want us running late., this is a very important gathering." he said in a serious tone, though he must have realised that I was writing to Baji since he walked closer and embraced me. "I know how hard it is.. But he wants you happy.." I looked up at him, letting him read the emotions through my eyes. He was about to continue, but instead he gave me a warm smile, picked up his kitty and left the room.

I then got ready for my gang's meeting. I wore black, baggy cargo pants, tied bandages around my breasts, and wore my jacket with Tokyo Manji's logo (who Mitsuya sewed carefully, paying attention to all the details). When I was ready, I got out and we both headed up to the gathering.

The sun was already gone in the sky by the time we arrived. Surprisingly, there were many people altogether; because Valhalla had now become a part of Toman, the Third Division, to be exact. This was Kisaki's division, but everytime I think about it, i remember Baji saying that the Third Division belongs to Pah-chin and Pah-chin only.. I never got to meet that guy, but he was Keisuke's friend, so I consider him my friend too.

"Let's get this meeting started!"


"This is gonna be an important meeting for you, You better be prepared" The Vice Leader said, and even if I don't know who that was for, I felt trembling.

I also saw Hanma Shuji, Valhalla's former Leader, stand near Draken and Mikey, and at that point, Kisaki Tetta, along with my brother, Matsuno Chifuyu got up as well.

What the hell?

"Our gathering tonight is about to get messy. We're setting things for good after the Bloody Halloween." All five of them, Mikey, Ken, Chifuyu, Hanma, Kisaki.. they looked dead serious.

"The bloody Halloween" Mikey's childish voice was heard by all of us "Valhalla had 300 men, Toaman had 150. Despite how much the odds were against us, because all of you did your best, we managed to claim victory. The Vice commander of the faller Valhalla, Hanma Shuji, will now say a few words."

"I'm Hanma Shuji from Valhalla. Valhalla hasn't had a commander for a long time. So after losing this battle.. We decided we'd fall under Toman

Valhalla is now affiliated with the Tokyo Manji gang!"

Just then, the whole crowd started cheering for Toman. I couldnt let my smirk back. Our gang, now with 450 members, could definitely be one of the most powerful ones. How anymore big can we get?

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