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Night of October the 20th

Y/n's POV

"It would have been Mikey's birthday in a few days" Baji begun explaining, "and we all wanted a good gift for him. He was the President of our gang after all, we had to get him something cool." he was still smiling, but I could see the pain in his eyes. Was what had happened later so bad?

"We passed a bike shop and starred at one of the motorcycles. It was a CB250T, perfect for Mikey, since he would look so powerful riding it.." I felt as if it was getting harder and harder for my lover to keep on smiling.

"I convinced Baji that we go steal it." Kazutora continued for him, he probably knew how hard this was for Kei. "He didn't want to. He told me that we couldn't just steal it, that Mikey would never approve of it, but I forced him to."

What? Who the hell was this guy to tell Keisuke what to do, especially if it was a crime! I knew that this didn't end up well, since this story, is how Mikey started hating Kazutora and Baji, though my loved one was the only one to have been forgiven.

"We covered ourselves with hoods and masks and broke in at midnight." Kazutora continued, but something in this story just wasn't right.

"Weren't you only twelve back then?" I asked.

"We were" My boyfriend replied instead "That's why we did such stupidity." I looked up to him. If I'm not mistaken, he was holding back tears, but his lips were still smiling. His lips, only that.

Tora looked at Baji's direction, as if he was ordering him to keep on explaining.

"We both were stunned by how amazing the CB250T looked, then everything happened so quickly.." The boy with the long, black hair who was now talking now had a depressing expression on his face. He felt guilty for what happened that night, I know that.

"As soon as we had gotten it and were about to leave.."


August the 13th, 2003

I took my mask off to observe the bike more easily. It was so beautiful.. I know we will make Mikey-kun fill with joy!

I got on it in order to check on it, and to my luck, it was full!

"It's got gas in the tank" I whispered to Kazu. "I'll start"

"It's too soon for that" was the reply he gave me, and he was right. "I'm gonna go outside and open the shutters"

I watched Kazutora slowly leave, but in the darkness of the shop, I heard a voice. It was familiar, though it wasn't my friend who had said that.

"Hey! Whose shop you think you're breakin' into, huh?"

This was the time were I started regreting everything. I regreted coming here, regreted having planned this, regreted having thought that I might steal this motorbike successfully.

I was trembling and breathing heavily. I couldn't see the face of the man, and I hoped he couldn't see mine as well, but I noticed that he held a mechanic tool, that was enough to end me if he put a little strength in it.

"You're not gonna get away!" The man said, I've sure heard this voice somewhere before..

He was walking closer to my direction. S-Shit! What should we do?!

He got close enough to me so he could see my face now. Shit, Shit, Shit.. I was trembling and sweating, this is the worst moment of my life. And at that moment, I recognized his face..

No, no! That couldn't be-!

"Hey.. You look familiar." he said. Lord help me, I am dead for real! "Is that you, Keisuke?"

"Shi.. Shinichiro kun..?" I said in a low voice, still shaking. "Why.. What are you doing here..?"

I saw Kazutora walking to us, holding something big. What was he gonna do?

"What? Well, this is my shop."

"KAZUTORA, DON'T!" I shouted loudly as my friend hit Shinichiro-kun in his head with the weapon he was holding.

Shinichiro, the owner of the shop, fell on the ground with his head bleeding, and I got on my knees in order to check on him. Now I was even more anxious than before.

"What the hell are you doing, Kazutora?!" I shouted once again, this time I had a hard time trying to hold my tears back from falling down to my cheeks. "This guy is.." how do I say that.. "Mikey's older brother!"

I checked his palm to see if he was still alive. "Shinichiro-kun!!!"

Blood from his head was spilling more and more on the floor. I was crying so badly and I couldn't stop it.. Why am I so stupid?! "Kazutora" I sobbed. "Shinichiro-kun's.. not breathing!" It was too difficult for me to try and communicate between my sobs..

My tears were falling on the floor, I couldn't believe what we had just done. "The bike we were trying to steal.. belonged to Mikey's older brother!" I took a deep breath, but that didn't help me. "I know.. We'll call an ambulance!"

Kazutora was so stressed he was shaking and biting his fingers. "That's Mikey's brother.. There's.. There's no way I'd kill him!"

I ran to the telephone that was standing on a table at the other side of the room. What had we just done.. "What's the number again?"

"Why.. Why?! I did this for Mikey.." Tora said to himself.

I remembered the number and were about to call, but I didn't manage to. "Shit! The cops are here!"

"It's all.. Mikey's fault." Kazutora whispered to himself. "That's why.." He smiled maniacly. "I need to kill Mikey."

I was shocked and confused about what he had just said, but I didn't get to think about it, since the cops quickly got in and grabbed me and my partner in crime.

As we were dragged outside by the policemen, I heard a familiar voice scream my name.


I turned around to see Mikey. I don't know why, but I started crying once again.

"What happened..?" Mikey asked in a cold and terrified voice.

"I'm sorry.." I replied while tears were running down my face.

The cops were forcing me to get into their car, but I was still sobbing and my gaze was stuck at Mikey.

"Kill.. Kill.. Kill.." was the only word I could hear Kazutora whispering at that horrible time.

{end of flashback}

Y/n's POV

Baji's eyes were filled with endless sadness. I never though he had to go through all these..

Kazutora didn't seem to mind, though he mentioned that he had been to a boarding school for almost three years after that accident.

I found Kazutora's willing to kill Manjiro stupid but.. I know why he thinks so.

He is a broken and traumatized individual, who made up in his mind that it was all Mikey's fault, most likely because he couldn't handle the fact he had killed Shinichiro..







Author's Note:

I am not crying, Takemichi is </3

I apologize for this short chapter, I just wanted to dedicate a chapter to explain their tragic, dark backstory once again.

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