322 13 9

Y/n's POV:

"Because if he actually cared, he would have thought about the consequences before leaving Toman"

I looked straight into his blue orbs when his lips smiled, there still was a serious look in his face though. But I wasn't going to fall in his trap. I know who Keisuke is, and he would never let something like that happen to me, nor any female in general.

"You're speechless, hm?" He said in a teasing tone. "Or do you just enjoy starring?"

I turned my face away from him, trying to hide the anger I was feeling at that moment. A voice inside of me was screaming, begging for me to fricking end him right there, since as far as i'm concerned, his fighting skills are average. Though my body was still hurt and I felt too weak for that.

Stay calm, Don't yell a word, were the sentences I kept repeating to myself, over and over again. I needed him to think that I trust him, that I'm good and that I believe each of his lies.

"None. I just dozzed off, I'm sorry" I said and tried to walk away.

"Thanks for passing me my glasses the other day." I turned to face him and he gave me a grin with his eyes closed. This bitch actually was handsome..

"Yeah, no problem. See ya." I said before walking to the direction where my house was. I didn't even try looking for my phone, that would have been a waste of time. I think I heard Kisaki say something right then, though I didn't mind it and continued.

When I arrived home, the stairs seemed a literal torture to my hurting legs. I used to love them and run them up quickly, in order to meet Chifuyu and Kei-san a little earlier, but now, that I was struggling to even stand, these seemed a painful nightmare.

Thank lord, I hadn't dropped my keys and diary, so I was able to get into my apartment. I opened and closed the door as silently as I could be, then looked at the clock. 01:35AM.

I walked slowly to Chifuyu's room in order to find his phone, and I was lucky enough to see him asleep. I grabbed his flip phone and immediantely got out. I started looking through his contacts, hoping that I could find the number of the person I wanted.





*Sissy !!

*Partner (Takemichi-kun)

*Mom <3






Good Lord, I found him. I called as soon as I saw his name in screen, and I prayed he hadn't fall asleep as well

"Hello? Chifuyu? Why the fuck are you calling me this late?" I heared his voice on the other side of the line.

"Hey, Ken-kun. I'm Y/n, sorry for calling at this time." I said in a weak voice.

"Y/n- san? Did something happen?" Draken asked, adn he sounded.. worried? Gosh, I've never seen him worry before!

"Actually, yes. Could we please meet tommorow? It's important."

"Eh? Sure.."

Deciding the place and take took no longer than a few seconds. We chose to meet at his house in Shibuya, tomorrow morning. I was glad he aggreed to the meeting so easily.

I know I would have chose to speak to Mikey instead of Draken, he is the President after all. Though I thought it would be easier to meet up with Ken and explain everything to him, than to Manjiro. Keisuke had also told me that he tried warning Mikey about Kisaki, but he wasn't convinced, so he probably wouldn't be convinced about his gang beating a female - also member of his gang - either.

As soon as I hung the phone up, I walked to the bathroom and faced myself on the mirror.

Good God, I was covered in so much blood, and most of my body was covered in wounds. I took my bloody clothes off and took a warm bath before washing them, then falling asleep in my bedroom, always with a locked door.










I had woken up and left early enough for Chifuyu not to notice my scars and wounds, that I didn't bother covering with any kind of bandages, since I wanted Ken to notice how bad they were. I also wore kind of revealing clothes, in order to give him a better view of the ones on my body.

Draken-kun lived in a striper club. He had a rough childhood, since both of his parents had left him when he was little, and he was forced to live in there, among pink towels and the smell of lume.

I took the elevator up to the floor where the striper club is, and as I thought, I was welcomed by a few half-naked females, and a middle-aged man. I walked to them and asked them where Draken-kun is, and the male seemed to be the only one who cared about me, since he started to ask about what had happened to me and why was I beaten up. The women, on the other hand, were starring at me and whispering something in each other's ears. I didn't mind them and informed the man that I was completely fine and it was just an accident, before he called Ken-kun.

When he appeared, he looked shocked to face me in that situation. He starred at me, from head to toes, and he stood there, speechless, until some of the whores in the club walked to him and broke the silence.

"Who is she? Is she here to work?"

"She's really pretty, I bet she'll get popular really soon"

"Is that your girlfriend, Ken?"

"I'm so excited we have a new member!"

"Isn't she a little young?"

These was some of the many things I heared from the girls there, and I tried to hide my embarrassment. Was sex all they cared about?

"Please stop this.." Ken-kun told the women around him. "She is a friend of mine and we're just here to talk" he continued, annoyed.

"Fine!" One of the girls, who looked pretty young and had her hair tied up in two pigtails, said. "But if she'sinterested in the job, we would be really glad to welcome her! She is pretty attractive anyways!"

Draken didn't mind her, but walked to me and we both got into his room. It was kind of small, but it had everything a teenager would need. What caught my attention, were a few pictures glued on his wall. Some of the people I could recognize in them, were Mikey, Emma, him and... Baji.

"Who did this to you?"

I didn't want to give him an exact answer, but the quention I did, explained everything clearly. "Tell me, Draken.. When did your gang become a team of rapists, and people who beat women up?"








Author's Note:


anyways, how was this one guys? I'm sorry but I'm having a huge writer's block the past days and my work now sucks.

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