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    Y/n's POV

  "Baji what are you doing?!"

  Keisuke got off me as we both heard Chifuyu's voice in the room, and even if I know I was in great trouble, I couldn't focus since Baji's words were stuck in my head.

  'I'm leaving Toman' he had told me. Why would he? Kisaki may be a bad person but.. he mustn't be that bad. Baji can't leave, he is one of Toman's leaders after all!

  "Sorry, me and Y/n had a discussion and.. it went a little far" Kei-san admitted. It wasn't a lie.

  "What kind of discussion was that?" Oh shit, my brother is mad.

  "I told her about Kisaki.. She needs to know, Chifuyu." I need to know, like I'm some kind of a fucking child. Something weird is going on between these two.

  I felt my brother's eyes on me. "What did he tell you, Y/n?"

  What should I begin with? I was pretty confused about everything. "He told me that Tetta Kisaki is one of Moebius' members and since it had split up, Mikey wants him to join Toman.. But Kisaki is also the hidden leader of Valhalla, the new, strong gang that was created.." I took a short pause just to sigh and continued. "He also said that if Mikey gives Tetta the position of the Third Division's Captain, he will lea-"

  "I didn't say anything else, honey" Keisuke interrupted me.

  Why did he stop me? Did Chifuyu know nothing about his disappearance from Tokyo Manji?

  The blonde-haired guy sighed and apologized "I'm sorry for asking these.. But it was, really weird, seeing both of you like that.. I'll just let you continue"

    Kei seemed as embarrassed as I was "Don't worry, I'll just tell her goodnight and leave.."

  When my brother finally left my room and closed the door behind him, Baji turned to me and gave me a soft kiss on my lips. "Don't tell anyone about me leaving Toman" he kissed me once more and this time, he used his tongue. "It'll be our little secret, right?" he asked while our lips were still touching.







  It had just come back from school. It was October the 20th already, and today was the day Tetta Kisaki joins Toman.

  Me and Keisuke never discussed about him leaving Toman again, and even though I wanted to talk about it, I was too afraid to ask. I don't want our relationship to be based on the gangs we belong, since I love him and nothing else matters.  After all, he never said he wants to join another gang. He just mentioned that he is leaving for good.

  To be honest, I may have done the same. Kisaki may be really evil to force Baji into leaving his team. He is one of the six that created it, god damnit.

  I definetely know Chifuyu would be sad about it. Draken-kun will miss him,but he is too cold to show his emotions, so he'll act as if he didn't care. Mitsuya would care, but Mikey.. I really don't know. He doesn't actually show any sad emotions, never, so I'm curious about his reaction.

  "Hey, Y/n" my brother asked while he sat next to me on the couch "Are you going to be at Toman's meeting tonight?It'll be your first meeting with our gang."

  Of course I will be there, dumbass. The person I care about the most is taking a risk. "Oh yeah, I will be there."

  "Good! I'll tell Mikey and Draken.." he told me while he grabbed his phone and opened it. "You know, it's a pity Baji won't be there. He isn't allowed because of a.. certain internal conflict."

  I wanted to laugh. Little did he know Baji would be there..

  "He'll have lunch with us today, and I'm cooking!"

  Heh, and it'll probably be the last time he eats with you.. "Ohh! What are you making?" I asked, trying to act as excited as I could.

  "Yakisoba, of course." Fuyu replied, seems like I had guessed it right. Then when the door knocked, he told me to open it, since it was probably Kei, and he wasn't wrong.

  I wrapped my hands around Baji's neck and he placed his against my waist, hugging me tightly. After a few peaceful seconds, I pulled away and gave a kiss on the lips to the person, who in a few hours will leave a crowd of people with their jaws dropped, but no body knew that yet.

  "I got something for ya.." He said and placed his hand deep in his pocket. I wondered what it is and if it is appropriate to show in front of Chifuyu, who probably was busy cooking, but I didn't want to turn back and check. When Keisuke's hand got off his pocket, he was holding a necklace, from which hθνγ a small, heart-shaped peace of a rose quartz, with a metal wire wrapped around it, shaping a tree.

  I stood there, stunned. I had told him that I adored crystals, but the fact that he probably searched about them and got me this exact one was the cutest thing I could imagine. Rose quartz is given to boost the feelings of love, for instance self love, or love in a relationship.

   I smiled widely and asked "Where did you find that..?" I still was really amazed.

  He lifted up my chin and whispered "That's another secret.. But I won't be sharing this one with ya"

    Baji's POV

  She giggled, knowing well what I had just said means, then took my hands and dragged me to the kitchen where the three of us, me, Y/n and Chifuyu sat and ate peacefully.

  I knew well that these peaceful aura we had won't last longer than a few hours because of the announcement I am going to make tonight, in front of everyone. My princess knows half the truth, while Chifuyu doesn't know anything and has barely even noticed that I'm away from Toman the past weeks. He will hate me after this, I know that, but I hope he doesn't drag his sister into this. Me and Y/n want to love each other, no matter the gangs.

  I am going to follow Kazutora tonight. I've been waiting for him since that, awful night, when he killed Shinichiro. I'll never forgive myself for being there that night, for wanting to steal, even if it was for good..

  What matterns now is tonight and only tonight. It will only be..

  The beggining of an end.







  HOW DARES HE BETRAY US~ well it's not really a betrayal, but I like drama.

Also sorry for ruining your spicy moment with Baji. It's not my fault, it's Chifuyu's--

Anyways, see y'all in the next chapter!!

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