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Y/n's POV

As soon as I arrived back home, I heard loud motorcycle noises coming from my house's backyard.

Baji and Fuyu.

I ran back there, in order to see what's happening and I saw them having one of the weird races they are used to having on weekends.

"Heeeyy" I mouthed, loud enough so that they would be able to hear me. "Why are you still here? The neighbours will complain, it's too late for races!"

Kei-san was the first to get off his motorbike and walk closer to me.

"What time is it?" he said. I had almost forgotten how beautiful the sound of his own voice was. "Me and your brother were waiting for you and- we thought of practicing while we wait."

Baji is a year older than me and he is as old as my brother, Chifuyu. We all live on the same building, though me and Fuyu are on the second floor, while he lives on the fifth floor along with his mother. I never actually got to meet her, but my brother says she is an excellent woman. To be honest, I don't find my brother's opinion on her strange, since she must be a really good lady to have grown a wonderful son like Keisuke all by herself.

"It's midnight." I answered with a straight face.

"Midnight?!" Chifuyu screamed worriedly from behind Baji. "Why are you so late?"

Right.. Why was I? Now I've got to explain everything.

"I got into a fight with three guys from Moebius.. You don't need to worry though! I teached these guys a lesson!"

Chifuyu's face got all blue due to his anxiety, but Baji grinned widely at me. Now that they stood close to each other, I noticed how tall Kei-san looks comparing to my brother.

"Y/n.." my brother said. "I told you not to get into fights.. I know how badly you want to get to Toman, but it's extremely weird for girls to-" Fuyu got interrupted by the guy beside him.

"Are you saying it's weird for girls to fight us back?"

Chifuyu didn't answer to that. He just starred at him, still with that worried gaze of his, until Baji first let out a sigh, then broke the silence.

"Why don't we get inside and discuss about it?" He turned to look at me. Oh how amazing do his brown eyes look.. "I've got an interest story I'd like for you to hear."








{time skip}

Me and the two boys got inside, and as they were talking about what happened, I was in the kitchen preparing peyoung yakisoba. I bought three this morning, since I know it's their favourite. Baji actually was really proud of me. Fuyu got hella anxious, but he admitted he was proud of me for defending myself as well. As soon as the peyoung were ready, I walked to the living room holding them, and gave one to each of us.

"We aren't sharing it this time, but it still tasted amazing." My brother said, and Kei started giggling. Oh that was the first time they met! They shared a cup of yakisoba together. Fuyu loves talking about that day.

"I think we've talked about that story enough times" Keisuke said between his giggling. "Why don't I tell you the one I mentioned outside?" He pulled out one of his arms and nodded for me to come sit in his hug. I obeyed him, and felt my temperature going up as if I had a fever. I'm pretty sure I was blushing deeply at that moment and I wanted to disappear without a trace because of my embarrassment.

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