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Night of October the 30th

     Y/n's POV

  There it is. The night before the fight between me and Keisuke's gangs.

  How will that thing end?

  It is said that the losing team's members will have to join the winning one, and to be honest, I am quite confused about who will win. Valhalla is twice bigger than Toman, so that's an an advantage for our oppointment.

  However, we have some good fighters in our gang. The Kawata twins, for example, are some of the fastest and strongest duos, who would be able to beat at least fourty people easily, all by themselves.

  Our vice-president, Ryuguji Ken, whose the nickname is Draken, is not only strong, but his fighting skills are for sure pretty impressive. He could defeat people stronger than him, only due to his amazing strategy.

   We also have Sano Manjiro, or The Invincible Mikey, for our President. He is known in the history of gangs, as one person, who despite his height and young age, still remains undefeatable.

  Now, I'm not quite sure about Valhalla's fghters. Of course Baji Keisuke is a brave and skilled fighter. He wouldn't hesitate to sacrifice himself for the will of his co-members. Only if he hadn't left us..

  Hanma Shuji, looks like a guy who knows how to fight, but I can't tell, since I'm not the type of person who judges my oppointment by their looks. I could beat up a guy twice my height easily.

  Kazutora Hanemiya, Baji's friend.. He looks all sweet and handsome, though he was able to kill somebody when he was just thirteen. I guess he is a tough one, though I hope nobody gets killed by him, or dies in general.

   I wonder, which side will Kisaki defend? Will he let his villain side out, or will he play along as that good person, ex member of Moebius, who regretted what he did in the past?

  I let my diary down because gang related stuff keeps hurting my brain. I then turn around and I see Keisuke laying on his bed. "You done?"

  I hummed and layed on top of him, wrapping my arms around his waist and resting my head on his chest. I heard him chuckle and felt his hand pat my lower back, so I smiled warmly.

  "You know.. Your brother visited me today." he told me while he kept petting my back. "With that guy Hanagaki."

  I don't know whether my reaction needed to be shocked or calm, but this wasn't unexcpected. Chifuyu wanted to visit Baji and convince him to leave Valhalla as soon as possible, so that he wouldn't be on the opposite side at the fight on the day of Halloween. Guessing from the white jacket with the angel logo that was hanging on his desk chair as usual, it seems like he didn't listen to my brother. Unfortunately.

  I just hummed once again, letting him know that I didn't care about that, at least, not anymore. He kissed the top of my head where my hair is, and his hug became even tighter.

  "You know, you need to be careful during tomorrow's show" he said.

  I let out a small chuckle - not that I was happy, I just wanted to trick myself, into thinking that the Toman vs Valhalla won't be as dangerous as we all know it will be - and answered. "You believe that I can't fight, Keisuke?"

  "It's not that, I just want to make you know that there will be pervs and nasty dudes. Valhalla isn't the cleanest gang"

  "Yet you're still in it"

Silence. Shit, why did I even say that?

  I stood up and sat right on top of him, wishing that I could make up for what I had just said - It probably had made him angry, didn't it?

  I cupped his cheeks, bringing his face closer to mine as I closed my eyes and so did he. I felt our lips meet, so I moved my hands from his face to around his neck. He was the one humming this time, as he bit my bottom lip softly, asking for enterance. 

  I chuckled between the kiss and slightly opened my mouth, giving his tongue access to explore the insides of my mouth. He moved his hands on my hips where he gripped tightly.

  I broke away from the kiss, parting his tongue from mine. "That was an apologize"

  "Apologize?" He asked in a flirty tone. "For what?"

  I decided not to remind him about it. It's good that it didn't bother him when I couldn't keep it in my mouth.

  I came closer once more and kissed his cheek, then moved to his jaw and upper neck. I wanted to make some good memories with him for as long as I was able to, because, God knows, what will happen on Halloween day.

  Baji unbuttoned his shirt, revealing his mascular body with six pack. Damn, what a selfish one.

  He grabbed my head and kissed my lips again and again, what made me know that he loved the feeling of touching my soft lips with his.

  "You know.. regardless of what will happen tomorrow.. You should always remember that I love you. Always."

  "I love you too, Keisuke Baji." I replied with a small chuckle.

  "Soooooo.. You want to wear that jacket once more-"










     Takemichi's POV - Present

I stood beside Naoto who was searching on his laptop about Tokyo Manji's current admins. Some of the past members have passed out and some of them are in jail, like Draken-kun.. And some of them have went missinng.

  The names he mentioned, and I recognized, were Peh-yan and Pah-chin's, Chyifuyu's, Hanma's.. the 5th and 4th division captains, and Mitsuya.

  The ones I didn't know, were, Shiba, Inui, and.. How did he say it.. Kokonoi?

  Of course, the leaders are Kisaki and Mikey-kun.

  "Oi Naoto kun" I called out his name, because there was another person I was curious to find out about. She is my best buddy's sister, after all. "Search about Matsuno Y/n!"

  "Matsuno Y/n? Is she related to Tokyo Manji?" Naoto asked while he was doing a research. "Yuh! She is Chifuyu's younger sister!"

  He took a while to answer me, which I found strange, since he isn't the type of guy to keep me waiting when he is doing research. Naoto is usually very fast..

  "Strange" I heard him say. Damn, shit is no good. "I found a Y/n related to Toman, but her last name isn't Matsuno.."

  "It isn't Matsuno?" I asked, surprised. "If it isn't Matsuno, what's her nickname then?"

  "Kisaki. Y/n Kisaki."









  Author's Note

Hate me

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