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A day before - November 17 2017

Y/n's POV

I was working on my laptop, literally not caring about anything around me, waiting for another awful day to pass. On days like these, I start to believe that my plan was a terrible, terrible idea. But I didn't want to give up, not yet. Definitely not until I reach my goal.

I looked at the article on the screen. "Tachibana Hinata, age 26, found dead in her car". I searched about it a little more. Her car was hit by a truck, which Atsushi Sendou drove, and they both exploded minutes later. This was all planned by Japan's top mafia, Tokyo Manji. The gang I appeared to be an important member of.

I knew Atsushi. Not trully, but I had met him a few times in the meetings, or when I was a teenager. If I'm not mistaken, he knew Hanagaki and.. he had a wife, pregnant on their second.

"Poor people.." came out of my mouth.

"Oh those are poor people, but the ones you brutally murdered aren't?" I heared a voice full of sarcasm mouth, always cold, ever since I met him. He let out a chuckle before opening the light. I was so focused on my work, I hadn't even realized it was night already and my office had gone dark. "I'm kidding of course"

I forced a small smile on my face, and he walked closer, cupping my cheeks. What can I say? Maybe he realized it was fake. We had always been so close, yet so far to each other and it scared me. He gently stroked my blonde hair, tucking it behind my ear. I had dyed it, from black to blonde, because he said it suits me better.

"I took away your innocence didn't I?.. Oh you're so cute, looking at me like that, you've always been" he smashed his lips on mine, kissing them 'gently'. "I love you"

"I love you too"I hate him. No, I despise him, I want him dead.

"I love you more" he said picking me up, bridal style.

"I wanna stay here Tetta."

"It's too late, I'm taking you to our room."

Go jump off an bridge, bastard. Who do you think I am to obey YOU? A goldfish? "I want to work"

"You have been overworking yourself." his dark blue orbs met mine "It's not healthy, you need some rest. Maybe you can skip tomorrow's meeting"

And miss one of the very few chances I get to see my brother? Never. "I will be going. I'm just fine anyways"

His chuckle made my ears want to go deaf "You're so stubborn darling"

He finally got to our bedroom and placed me on our bed. One hand on my chin, one on his knee, he made sure his golden ring was visible. We've only been married for two months - maybe one and a half? - and I made sure it was not something grande, and only very few people came. However, I was forced to take his last name, and my brother will never forgive me about it.

Little did he know..

"Do you want me to stay? I just want to make something sure before the meeting, I will be back in an hour or so. I can cancel it if you want."

"No it's okay" fucking leave me alone already Kisaki Tetta.

He cupped both my cheeks and kissed me, this time shoving his tongue in my mouth. I wouldn't tell whether his kiss was rough or gentle, but I just did not like it. Can I forget about your taste already, Mr Kisaki? Thank Lord, the kiss only lasted a few seconds.


"Yes gorgeous"

"Why did you tell me that I can skip tomorrow's meeting, even though you kept saying it's important, in fact, so important that you need an hour, this late, to discuss about it?"

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