Chapter XX: I Love You Two

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While the boyfriends are busy carrying all the meat, noodles, and vegetables that they will cook for their barbecue party, the chinese male is focused on the cookware that they will use while checking his phone every now and then.

Renjun is waiting for the husbands' text saying that they are there already.

And it makes him feel excited at the thought of seeing the couple again.

"Aigooooooooo! Our renjunnie is waiting for someone... Or should I say, sometwo." his bunny looking bestfriend commented bringing the chinese male's face into flushed state

"O-Of course I'm waiting for them because uhmmmmm..." he responded trying to think of the next word but his mind were occupied by the thoughts about markhyuck

"Because what?" the samoyed like male teasingly asked with his eyes narrowed at the older

"Because... I-I invited them!"

"Aside from you invited them, What else?" jaemin was about to lean close to renjun but the latter immediately shove his face by its palm making the former laugh

"None... I really just invited them!"

As the three males get back to the things that they were doing, the chinese male's phone suddenly ring making him grin widely.

Renjun took a deep breath as he press the green button to accept the call.

He then cleared up his throat first greeting the tanned male on the other line.

"Hello hyuckie..."

Renjun pouted at himself as the tanned male remained quiet for a few seconds before answering.

"Hey junnie!"

"Uhmmmmm... Are you on your way now?"

"Yep! We're just stuck on the a bit on the traffic... Ohhhhh it's moving already!"

"Okay... See you later hyuckie!"

"Yieeee I can't wait to see you injunnie! I missed you so much..."

The chinese male bite his lower lip to stop himself from smiling too much and he doesn't want to sound very excited seeing the two even though he couldn't sleep since the last night after that talk he had with donghyuck.

"I missed you too." he unconsciously mouthed but he had to remain calm even though deep inside, his organs are already screaming out like a crazy man

"Okay... I'll hang up now renjun, see you later bye!"

When he's done talking with the tanned male, renjun put down his phone at the table with a wide smile plastered on his face.

"Uhmmmmm jeno ahhhhh..."

That smile that the chinese male had turned into a look of almost contempt seeing the couple making out on the kitchen counter top shamelessly, specifically jaemin sitting down throwing his head back as jeno attacks his neck with hungry kisses while his legs wrapped around its waist and his hands were playing with the older's brown locks.

Renjun clicked his tongue while shaking his head in disbelief as the two are now eating each other's faces as if they're were kiss deprived.

"How could they kiss like that?" he murmured under his breath then almost flinched when the doorbell suddenly ding

His eyes widen realizing that it could already be the husbands behind their main door then renjun took a last glance on the couple and face palmed seeing that jeno's button down shirt is just covering only the half of its upper body as jaemin is acting like a hungry monster at the way he suck on his boyfriend's bare chest.

Renjun didn't bother to call them and just turn his back and walk towards the door to welcome the married couple.

He's just going to explain what is happening if ever the two isn't done with the unholy activity they're doing at the moment.

"You can do this renjun!"

Upon opening the door, renjun took a deep breath once more to relieved his nervousness a bit since he's a bit shaky twisting the door open.

"Injunnie!" the tanned male greeted and pull renjun immediately into a warm hug as he took a step inside the chinese male's place

The chinese male was taken aback at the sudden burst of affection but he manages to smile and return the hug to donghyuck who rested its chin on top of his head.

"I missed you so much injunnie..." donghyuck whispered planting a soft kiss on his hair

Renjun smile got wider at the action and snuggle his face deeper on the tanned male's neck "I missed you too hyuckie..."

While the two of them are in their own world exchanging heart warming affection, the two didn't noticed the oldest watching them with a contented expression.

Mark couldn't help but to smile as he felt very complete seeing the view of his lover being so happy having its arms around the person he loves.

And he just wants to have that view for the rest of his life.

The canadian male doesn't want renjun to end up with someone else other than him and donghyuck.


He already admitted it.


"Hyuckie..." he called placing his one arm around his husband's waist

The tanned male hummed and look at the older straight into its eyes "You're right." he said rubbing the younger's waist

"About what?"

"About renjun..."

"What about renjun?"

"I already like him."

Donghyuck quickly get up from laying down with his eyes widened at the canadian "WHAT DID YOU SAY?!"

"I said, I like your renjun already..." he said covering his face afterwards in embarrassment

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH FINALLY MINHYUNGGGGGG!" the younger screamed hugging his lover tight "Oh my gosh minhyung!"

Mark smiled and remove the pillow on his face "I'm sorry it had to take long..." he said kissing donghyuck's forehead

"It's fine! Atleast I'm not alone dreaming about our renjunnie!"

Our renjunnie...

That endearment instantly melted mark's heart.

"I just wish he felt the same way towards me hyuckie because I have been a jerk to renjun from the start."

Donghyuck looked up to him and caresses his face "He will minhyung... Let's just treat him good."

~end of flashback~

The thoughts about the three of them sharing home together flutters the husbands' heart.

If ever renjun feels the same way towards mark then they wouldn't hesitate to get remarry with each other.

Together with renjun this time.

But as of now, mark doesn't have the plan to force his way on to the chinese male's heart.

He'll just hope that maybe one of these days, renjun heart will beat for him just like how it beats for donghyuck.

Mark then walk closer to the two males and secretly kissed the top of renjun's head and kisses his husband's lips as well.

"I love you two..." he whispered on the tanned male's ear, hugging the two in his arms length

To be continue...

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