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Outer Banks, Thornton's houseJuly 1st, 20208:26 pm

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Outer Banks, Thornton's house
July 1st, 2020
8:26 pm

The familiar doorbell rang loudly through my eardrums as my finger pressed on the small knob, waiting impatiently for my mother or brother to swing open the front door. Those seconds I spent waiting felt like ages, as the excitement didn't really subside, it actually even had increased.The sight of what had been my vacation house for so long and was about to become my everyday one warmed up my heart. It was a huge mansion, as big as others on this side of the island.

A hand pressed on the door handle and as it opened, I immediately noticed my mother's beautiful smile. She was wearing a cute blue dress my father had once offered her, for Valentine's day, and her eyes filled up with tears, just like mine.

"Oh baby," she pulled me in a warm hug and I dropped all my bags on the floor before returning the embrace. "Welcome home"

"Oh my God, the favorite child is back I'm screwed," my older brother's voice spoke in the back of the entrance. "I liked her better when she was diseased," he added.

"Topper!" my mom yelled at him.

I was about to load my suitcases upstairs when I felt a wet lick on my left ankle. I looked down at my small beige french bulldog and kneeled towards him. "Hi buddy, I missed you too"

Gaby jumped and barked playfully, which made me laugh. I hugged him tight and pressed a kiss on his back, before getting back up. My small dog ran to play outside, grabbing a toy in his mouth on the way.

"You're even the dog's favorite," Topper kept going, playfully.

I laughed and made my way towards him, which had me realising he had new hair. I thought it was pretty ugly but I wouldn't have told him or else his ego would've been so hurt he'd have secretly cried for days. Such a superficial one.

"Hi Top'," I pulled him in a hug he didn't return, my head rested against his chest.

"Get off me," he complained, trying to push me off him. He had never liked to show his affection with physical touch to anyone, except for the Kook princess, maybe.

I gazed at him and he looked so disgusted I found funny to hug him even tighter. He groaned and tried to push me off him. "I'm happy to see you too, big bro"

"Tess, I said get the fuck off me," he said. "Why are you hugging me when we both know you hate me?" he wondered out loud.

I giggled and backed away from him a little, before jogging over the huge living-room. My mom had hung on the walls acrylic paints I was sure worth a thousand dollars each. In the middle, in a small frame, was a little picture of me when I was a child. It always made Topper jealous how my mother showed more affection to me. But it wasn't my fault, we were separated most of the year, so of course, when I came over, I was spoiled. Anyways, they all helped me carrying my suitcases to my room and making my bed, but all I could think about was my friends. I couldn't wait to wake up with the sharp feeling of the sun rays hitting on my closed eyes, my skin sweating because of the heat. Summers in the Outer Banks had something particular. They smelled, looked, tasted, and felt a lot different.

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