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Outer Banks, Cameron's houseJuly 10th, 20209:34 am

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Outer Banks, Cameron's house
July 10th, 2020
9:34 am

I woke up to the sound of Rafe's rasp voice through the room kept in the darkness by the thick beige curtains over the huge windows. My body was tucked under the covers and as I saw his tall shirtless figure standing by the doorframe, a soft smile grew on my lips. He was holding his phone in his right hand and running his free left hand through his hair, and I couldn't help but stare. His eyes were glued on the floor, and I soon noticed he ignored I had woken up, so I made my best not to make any noise, so that I could contemplate a bit longer.

"John B you say?" he laughed. "Guess they both fell for each other"

I frowned as I heard my friend's name in his mouth and sat up on the bed, holding the sheets so that my naked body would stay covered. "If he's dead you're gonna be in serious troubles," Rafe added.

"What?" I interrupted and Rafe's attention drew on me immediately.

"Wait, Top," he spoke louder. "I'll call you back, I'll call you back"

Rafe threw his phone on his desk and got closer from the bed before climbing on it, a smirk on his lips. I didn't smile back though, since all I could focus on were his previous words. "Hello there," he greeted.

"Rafe, what's going on?" I asked. "What did Topper do?"

The man shook his head. "Shh"

He laid a kiss on my forehead and laid me down on his bed before kissing me more, pulling the sheets down so he could access to my throat with his lips. I groaned and pushed him off me, which surprised him and he sat up on the bed, still sort of straddling me as I kept laying down. "Don't fucking shh me, and tell me what the hell is happening," I ordered.

"So you're gonna be that Tessa today? the Pogue and annoying Tessa?" he asked but I just shrugged. "Topper and John B fought and your brother sent him to the hospital by pushing him off the railing"

"What?" I shouted. "And is he okay?"

Rafe sighed and got up from his bed, taking his eyes off me as I grabbed my Midsummers clothes and started to put them back on. Not to seem disrespectful, he looked away as I got dressed even though it was nothing he hadn't seen before. "I don't know and it's not like I cared," he breathed. "But are you really gonna leave?"

"Yes, I'm leaving," I voiced, putting my shoes on, even though those high-heels kind of hurt my feet. "And you, Rafe Cameron, are gonna drive me to the hospital"

"I'm sorry?" he asked, laughing.

I grabbed his car keys and twirled them around my finger playfully before heading out of his room, his groans filling the air and reaching my ears. Then again, he gave up and followed me, as we slipped out the door and he grabbed the keys from in between my fingers. I opened his Jeep's passenger's door and as he took a seat next to me, and as he took his face in his hands, I started to get impatient, knowing maybe John B was dead and I didn't know it.

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