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Outer Banks, HMSJuly 2nd, 20201:19pm

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Outer Banks, HMS
July 2nd, 2020

"There he is!" JJ shouted, as Pope and his father both appeared on the dock, their hands full.

Heyward, aka Pope's father was a popular fishmonger on the island. Anyone knew him, he was an institution. He was always wearing his apron, promoting his store. I sometimes helped him for deliveries with Pope, because he didn't like to know his son alone on the other side of the island.

"We have a safety meeting, attendance mandatory," John B voiced.

The HMS reached the dock, and Pope shook his head, disappointed. "I can't, my pop's got me on lockdown," he explained.

"Your dad's a pussy, over," JJ answered, pretending he was talking in a walkie-talkie.

I slapped JJ's arm gently, trying not to laugh and I then stared at Heyward. He was honestly the best parent figure for Pope. He had always cared about his son and would do anything for any of us, we knew it. Even if he acted like he hated the boys, deeply, he didn't really.

"Hey, sorry for them Heyward, they're stupid," I voiced, smiling at the man. "But we do need Pope"

"Sweetie you hang out with the wrong guys, they're gonna get inside your head and drag you down," Heyward warned me.

I stared at my friends and shrugged softly, smiling. They were indeed not the type of boys my parents would have wanted me near either, but I loved them for who they were, and most of all hated everyone else.

"Get in the boat!" John B whispered at Pope, making sure Heyward wouldn't hear.

"Make a run for it!" JJ added.

Pope approached the boat, a careful eye on his father's reaction. "Boy if you get on that boat! Get your ass back here"

Pope jumped on the HMS, as JJ grabbed the rope and lifted it in the air, like a cow-boy. Pope stared at his dad like he already regretted not behaving and John B started the engine quickly, drifting us away.

Pope and his father kept shouting at each other, until they were out of each other's earshot. Kiara joined us on the boat a few minutes later and we sailed towards the marsh, like we usually did, to go fishing.

"Guys, let me show you a magic trick," JJ spoke, an open beer in his hand, as Kiara and I rolled eyes. "Pope can you go a little faster?"

"No of course he can't, it's the HMS we're talking about," I contradicted, and his idea was stupid anyways.

"Tess shut the fuck up, or next time I try it on your yacht. I got it, it's gonna work"

I did as he told me to, waiting for him to fail, like every single time he attempted to show us how he could use the boat's speed to drink. He placed his feet on the edge of the bow, and raised the beer to his face's height.

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