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Outer Banks, Thornton's houseJuly 6th, 20209:25 pm

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Outer Banks, Thornton's house
July 6th, 2020
9:25 pm

(trigger warning: drugs)

Not sure why or how, but after eventually changing my mind and getting ready, I walked over to the huge Cameron's mansion, my heart pounding fast inside my chest. A few people were drinking and smoking outside, while others were partying in the pool or dancing in the huge living-room. My eyes trailed over to the crowd of people moving in synch to the sound of music, searching for any familiar face but none popped up so I just walked in.

I grabbed a glass of any alcohol that filled it, and brought it to my lips, as my eyes finally laid on the Kook Prince, who was whispering things into people's ears. I drank a little bit more, a few people staring at me since they weren't used to new faces probably, and I felt a sudden grip on my arm.

"Tessa?" a voice called out.

I turned around and smiled as my eyes laid on Sarah, who was of course, followed closely by her boyfriend, aka my brother, which allowed me to sense they had worked things out at last. She pulled me in a warm hug, which I returned and she rubbed my back, giving me a dimpled smile. She smelled so good, and I couldn't tell exactly what she reminded me of, since it was a mix of fresh cut flowers in spring, coffee brewing in the morning or warm ocean breeze, but whatever it was eased my nostrils from all those masculine smells.

"Why didn't you tell me you were coming tonight?" she demanded as we pulled apart and our eyes connected.

"I wasn't supposed to come, but someone made me," I laughed as I showed her Rafe with a head tilt.

"Oh I bet he did," she snickered, keeping her eyes on her brother after swiveling her head.

Topper kissed her head gently, which caused her cheeks to blush and I smiled at the sight of their bliss. As much as I hated that she dated my brother and wished for her to meet a better man, seeing them happy together warmed up my heart. He whispered something in her ear and after apologising by joining her hands together and blowing me a kiss, she left with him, giggling.

I stood there, alone, almost regretting that I had came, with no other occupation than drinking. So I grabbed a new glass of what turned out to probably be Vodka, and drank a few sips, starting to feel tipsy but it felt quite good, honestly. I joined the crowd of people dancing, and moved my hips in rhythm, finally releasing all the pressure. I danced and partied with people I had never seen before, for what seemed to be such a long time but mostly a great time.

After a little while, an handsome man slowly approached me, and as my eyes met his, a smile grew on his lips. "You're Topper's sister, right?" he inquired and I just nodded, as I stopped dancing to focus on him. "You look exactly like him"

I laughed and swallowed more Vodka before placing my glass next to me and shaking my head. "Oh do I?" I giggled.

He nodded and motioned to be closer from me, which gave me a good look on his dark eyes. I had never seen him before, but as he placed one of his hand on my lower back to bring me closer from him, I found him pretty hot. "And what's your name, Topper's sister?" he asked me.

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