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Outer Banks, Cameron's house July 7th, 20204:23 am

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Outer Banks, Cameron's house
July 7th, 2020
4:23 am

I woke up surrounded by the darkness, to the feeling of the mattress bending next to me. I feared to turn around and face a stranger, or anyone too drunk to even realise they were in an occupied room, so I just stayed still for a few seconds. I felt an hand softly touching my shoulder and turned around at its contact, my eyes laying on Sarah's features.

"You scared me," I laughed, eying the alarm clock to check the time.

"Sorry," she whispered, resting her head on my shoulder. "I needed to talk"

I raised my eyebrows in a frown and rested my head on hers gently, giving her the space I assumed she needed. She sighed and I caressed her hair trying to comfort and reassure her a little about whatever she was about to confess, which looked serious.

"Topper really wanted tonight to be special, and so he tried to do things I was sure I wanted as well," she paused. "But I freaked out and I pushed him away"

"There's nothing wrong with waiting for the right time," I reassured softly.

"But it still feels wrong, because everyone around me has done it," she muttered, as she started playing with her fingers. "Even Topper thinks I'm a prude now"

I sighed, remembering how Topper liked to call me a whore when he had learnt I had done my first time, last year. It almost looked like he was jealous I had done it at a younger age than him, and so it drove him insane. When I called him out for it, he liked to pretend he just didn't trust the Pogue or whatever, but we both knew he was just envy. So Topper not being a good partner for her first time didn't really surprise me, but not everyone knew a boy like JJ Maybank.

JJ had been perfect, last summer, and I knew I'd be forever grateful I had done it with someone that cared about me this much. So Sarah being with someone who only loved her for her body and pressured her, broke my heart, and it shattered it even more knowing he was my brother. "Just dump him Sarah," I groaned. "If you don't do it I will"

"You'll dump my boyfriend?" she giggled.

I nodded and we laughed in synch, as she playfully slapped my arm, giggling more. Our chuckles then subsided and we slowly drifted off to sleep, both genuinely hoping our next day would be better.


Outer Banks, Heyward's shop
July 7th, 2020

"Hey boys," I greeted as I walked in the fish shop and gave Heyward a quick hug.

Not that seeing JJ after what had happened between us seemed exciting, but as I couldn't avoid him forever, when Pope had asked me what I was up to, I decided to just join them and not make a big deal out of whatever happened. "Oh Tess, right on time," Pope stated.

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