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Outer Banks, The ChâteauJuly 4th, 20203:34 pm

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Outer Banks, The Château
July 4th, 2020
3:34 pm

The Twinkie pulled up in the yard and both of JJ and I glanced at the vehicle as Pope and John B jumped out of it. We let go of our boards, which naturally ended our argument about which one of us waxed their board the best and we walked up to our friends, surprised they weren't with any of the girls they were supposed to be picking up according to JJ's words. John B's smile grew harder when he saw us, as we kept wondering if my plan had functioned.

"Hi guys," I greeted softly as Pope and I shared a hand-shake. "How'd it go?"

John B looked at us and shrugged, lifting his brows up together. "You'd know if you came," he said.

JJ and I looked at each other and sighed, faking to be disappointed that we didn't make it to come. Well, actually it wasn't about not making it, but we preferred staying together waxing our boards while drinking beers than dealing with more drama for the day. JJ never really minded when people argued, he just stared and witnessed not saying anything, except if the argument was with a Kook, because then he was the first one involved and the one throwing most punches.

"Sarah beat up Kie," Pope stated and I didn't know if it was true or not.

"It has to be Cameron thing to beat up girls they liked before," JJ laughed referring to Rafe hitting me and it hated him so much for bringing it up. "For real though?"

I hated JJ's sentence even more because he had used the past tense with the word « like » and Rafe still liked me I was sure he did. Even if he claimed not to be in love with me or if he had just not said it so I thought he was not, he still at least liked me, he had to, because he had said I was special, he had called and texted me, and part of me didn't want to admit maybe he had erased me from his romantic thoughts for good.

John B threw me a rapid glance to know what JJ was talking about but I pretended I didn't notice and focused on them to know how it had actually been between the two girls. I knew how stubborn both of them could be and since I highly doubted any of them would apologise, if the boys told us they didn't make things up, I wouldn't have been surprised.

"Tell us the truth," I demanded.

"They are willing to work together," John B finally announced, which made us smile.

Having Sarah to hang out with all my other friends had to be one of the only things that could make me feel better. I was glad Kie was finally over this birthday party thing and also glad the boys were okay with dealing with a Kook, and a real one this time. "Where are they?" I asked.

"Kiara went back home and Sarah wanted to bring the yacht back to the dock," John B explained us and I thanked the universe I didn't have to bring the yacht back myself.

"When does the mission start?" JJ asked, wrapping an arm around my shoulder.

"Tonight," the brown-haired boy stated and I felt a tiny bit of excitement.

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