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Outer Banks, Thornton's houseJuly 2nd, 20205:31 pm

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Outer Banks, Thornton's house
July 2nd, 2020
5:31 pm

"Did you have a good time honey?" my mother inquired, handing me a cup of Earl Grey tea she had initially made for herself.

"Why is it always about her?" Topper complained, sitting in front of me, next to my mom.

Topper liked to pretend our parents didn't love him, but the worst in all that, was that I knew he meant it. He really thought they loved me better since I was the one they had taken care of more. But it wasn't my fault I needed them more than he did, so he couldn't blame me for it. I sighed, drinking a sip of my tasteful tea, and I threw a quick gaze at me mother, like somehow she was the only one who could fix the situation between him and I.

"Topper, be nice to your sister," my mom tried temper, but he manifested his unconcern by rolling eyes at her. "And do not roll your eyes at me"

I laughed at him for being yelled at and focused back on my mom, like nothing had happened with my stupid brother. "Yes, my day was great, thanks for asking"

My phone rang and I picked it up, and as I read the short text message Kiara had just sent me, a grin spread over my cheeks. I smiled answering positively, and looked up at my deadpanned family.

"I'm going to a Kegger tonight, I'll see you later," I got up, grabbed my keyring and replaced my chair under the table.

"No, you need to help me load the dishwater first," Topper complained, once again, which made me question his ability to do anything else than complain all day long.

My face lit up with a fake smile and I sent him a flying kiss, before heading out, under my mother's dark gaze and Topper's insults. I simply couldn't miss the first Kegger of the summer, just to load the dishwasher.

I could feel it in the air, as I stepped out of my house, this summer was about to be different. In a way I wasn't aware of yet, but it would be unusual for sure. Because this time, I wouldn't have anxiety attacks to the idea of saying goodbye to my friends in a few weeks, or medical appointments everyday. I'd be a normal teenager, finally, and even just the thought of it set my mind free.


Outer Banks, the Beach
July 2nd, 2020

I discerned JJ flirting with a Touron, a few meters away from me, and I ambulated to him. He was wearing a grey singlet shirt with a pair of shorts that made his body look even better, and I could see from up far the blonde girl was interested.

As I reached them, I slowly hugged him from behind and kissed his neck. My lips lingered on his skin and as he tried to push me off him, I sat on his lap. I could see the Touron slowly feeling uncomfortable, which advised me my plan was working.

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