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Outer Banks, the airportJuly 16th, 202012:24 pm

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Outer Banks, the airport
July 16th, 2020
12:24 pm

Sarah began to sob a little, as Sheriff Peterkin handcuffed Ward and shoved him in the police car without any word. I couldn't believe that what JJ had told me was true, since it had all happened so fast, but more than that, I struggled to realise I was the reason why Susan was still alive and justice would be made for Big John. It meant a lot to all of us, because it meant Big John had actually died that night, but also because our friend could start grieving his father for good, and I, for one, was sure it would help.

I looked at Rafe, who looked devastated but more than that, he looked angry. In his eyes, I saw it, it felt like somehow the woman was wrong and his father was not a murderer, which was understandable. Growing up with someone you trust and learning overnight that they killed someone must not be easy for anyone, and especially not for Rafe who praised his father and only saw the good in him. Rafe walked up to John B, determined, which led us to look at him, and out of nowhere he began to punch him, as Sarah screamed in fear.

"This is all your fault! You're taking my father away from me because you didn't get to save yours!" Rafe barked throwing more and more punches.

I came from behind him and placed my body in between his and John B's, since I just knew he wouldn't hit me and would stop throwing punches in case he'd accidentally hurt me. I read in my boyfriend's eyes anger, but more than this I read despair and sadness. I could imagine seeing his father being arrested was hard and especially since he had tried to stop this, but beating up John B wouldn't change anything. I hated to interfere in Rafe's fights because it was cringe and I hated when this happened in movies, but this time it's not like I had the choice and someone else would do it.

"John B, Sarah, go!" I told them as Rafe stopped punching the man. "Come on! Get out of here!"

The two of them ran away and I watched them for a few seconds until I heard Rafe groaning behind me and as I turned around he grabbed me and pushed me away from him with so much strength I fell on the ground. I hated him for not seeing I was just trying to help but it didn't take him long to realise what he had just done and so he broke down on the ground and started sobbing. I sat up more properly and hugged him against me, as he began shaking and sobbing more and more.

"I didn't mean to hurt you," he sobbed but part of me just knew he wasn't only crying because of this. "I'm so sorry"

"It's okay, just breathe," I voiced as slowly and softly as I could. "Come on breathe my love, breathe in and out"

He wrapped his arms around me and I bit my lip trying so hard not to cry, because I had to be brave for him. "They can't take him away from me Tess, they can't," he cried as I held him tighter and shook my head.

"You need to let him go," I mumbled against his skin and I kissed his head gently.

We watched more police cars arriving, and we stayed there, on the ground in the middle of the landing runway, as I tried to calm my boyfriend down but nothing seemed to work out. He sobbed in my arms for what felt like ages and I held him tighter and tighter, forgetting we weren't the two only humans on Earth, because in this moment all that mattered to me was him. I caressed his hair and kissed his head as his grip around me only tightened, and even though his arms were hurting and squeezing me because of how tightly they were wrapped around me, I didn't dare to complain because it was nothing compared to what he was going through.

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