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Outer Banks, Thornton's house July 7th, 20208:01 pm

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Outer Banks, Thornton's house
July 7th, 2020
8:01 pm

(trigger warning: mentions of drugs)

We all gathered around the dining table that was et in the middle of the immense room, and as my father brought the dish, filling our nostrils with an amazing spicy scent. Topper still had not returned home and I didn't get the chance to talk to him ever since the incident had happened, so I caught myself being impatient about his arrival. Rafe and my parents had kept talking about stupid and useless things like real estate business and trade which annoyed me so much I hid in the toilets.

As we waited for Topper to come before eating, I grabbed my phone and quickly texted Pope, asking him if he was fine and he soon reassured me, by texting back good news. He also made sure I was home safe since we had separated our ways briskly and as I was about to reassure him back, my mother grabbed my phone and threw it on the sofa that was behind us.

"No phone while eating," she firmly ordered which earned me a scoff from the Cameron boy. "And sit correctly please"

I frowned at first, not understanding why she was so strict all of sudden and for no reason, but as her eyes immediately laid on Rafe, I understood her outburst of severity. I did as she told me to and before Rafe got the chance to make fun of me again, the front door opened and Topper joined us in the dining-room, apologising with his facial features. "I'm so sorry, you shouldn't have waited for me," he said.

"Come on honey, it's nothing," my mother reassured, holding his hand. "We had to"

My father served food to all of us, before sitting back down and clearing his throat before speaking up. "So what were you kids up to today?" he demanded.

My muscles contracted and my heartbeat accelerated at my father's words, kind of hoping he didn't ask so we didn't have to bring up the earlier events or lie, since I didn't know what was best for our parents to learn. My fingers tapped in rhythm on the table's material, as no words managed to come out of my mouth. "Rafe and I went golfing," Topper explained, a smile formed on the corner of his lips.

"And we beat up some Pogue," Rafe added, which was unnecessary.

My parents laughed, looking at each other like what the boy had just said was so funny they couldn't believe it was true as I almost choked on my own saliva. Rafe and Topper chuckled in synch, and if my anger towards them had decreased earlier, in this moment it only grew harder. I felt like getting up and throwing each of them a punch, so hard their teeth would fall out. "How funny," I mocked with an ironic tone.

"Come on darling," my father kept laughing the whole time. "It's the law of the jungle, I bet they asked for it"

"What?" I almost screamed, so loud my mother's eyes widened. "So now beating up people is normalised? as long as they're Pogues it's okay?"

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