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Outer Banks, Cameron's house July 15th, 20209:56 am

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Outer Banks, Cameron's house
July 15th, 2020
9:56 am

My eyes went wide as I saw him, holding a bunch of flowers in his left hand as his right one was shoved in his shorts pocket. I hated Sarah for doing this to me but as my eyes laid on his facial features and how sorry he looked. To be very honest, being far from him for long enough and finding the gold had relaxed me, and I realised maybe I did want him back no matter what, when the first thing I thought of after finding the gold was him and our future together. I wanted us to buy a house, or build one, live with all of our babies happily ever after and never have to worry about our financial situation.

"You're an asshole Rafe," I laughed as he gave me the flowers and I breathed their soft perfume. "But these smell so good"

JJ's words came back to me but I quickly erased them and thought maybe he was giving me flowers because he cared for me and not because he was toxic. He smiled and wrapped his arms around my waist to pull me closer and I couldn't resist. He was like a drug, staying far from him had me going crazy and as he came back, I didn't need anything more than those shitty flowers to crash in his arms.

I placed the flowers in an empty vase that Sarah had put on her drawer and smiled just to the idea of Rafe actually spending time buying flowers for me. My whole life seemed to lighten up, well, of course I still missed drugs like crazy and would have done anything to snort some, but having the gold plus Rafe (and almost JJ) back made everything better. Not to yield so fast, I chose to be as distant as I could from Rafe but his stupid smirk and his gorgeous face didn't make it any easier.

"I know, but part of you likes it, huh?" he said kissing my temple as I shook my head in denial. "Come on don't try to fight, I know you missed me"

"I did not miss you," I lied. "I barely thought of you those last days"

If only he knew he was the reason and the person I had broken JJ's heart for, he would have been surprised, but it felt like somehow he believed in my words and his smile faded. He kept holding me close with his muscular arms around my waist and I faked pushing him away a little with both of my hands on his chest. "Tessa, babe, I mean, I'll get you anything. I'll buy you a house, no you know what? I'll buy you a building, and if it's not enough I'll buy you the whole island. But just forgive me please my love, I fucked up and I know it okay?" he almost begged.

I shook my head laughing and wrapped my arms around his neck before kissing his lips softly. I thought he'd devour my lips and kiss me with passion but actually he kissed my lips gently, making me feel more and more relaxed as our tongues connected and his hands massaged the lower part of my back. I had missed this feeling so much, missed being in his arms while our lips connected which showed me how loved and desired I was by the man I trusted and wanted most on Earth.

"I dont care about those things Rafe, I only want a nice boyfriend and a healthy relationship," I softly explained. "No more hurting me, no more crying, no more pain"

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