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Outer Banks, Thornton's houseJuly 5th , 202010:17 pm

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Outer Banks, Thornton's house
July 5th , 2020
10:17 pm

"Please, please, please, please, pl-" JJ childishly repeated through the phone.

I laughed and kept caressing Gaby's small back, my phone stuck in between my ear and my shoulder, since both of my hands were busy relaxing my puppy. The tv was turned on, a long and quite boring marine life documentary flashing up on the big screen in front of my eyes.

"JJ are you four?" I giggled, cutting him off as my father walked in the room.

"Come on Tessa, you haven't hung out with us in forever," JJ complained.

I laughed and rolled eyes even though he couldn't see me, but I heard him sigh at my chuckle. My father joined me on the couch, and I rested my head on his shoulder, grabbing the phone to hold it more firmly against my ear. My dog got up from my lap and barked, letting both of my father and I know we had disturbed him in his sleep.

"I hung out with you yesterday," I justified.

I heard him sigh again on the other side of the phone, like somehow it was the only thing he could do right, and I discerned noises in the background that allowed me to think he was outside. "Please, we miss you"

My father's eyes squinted, as he furrowed his brows and placed a soft kiss on my head. "Why don't you go?" he silently mouthed me, almost pressuring me to, and I just replied with a shrug.

"Tessa! I'm talking to you!" JJ yelled to have my attention back and I drew it soon back on him.

"Fine, fine, but one condition," I spoke, winking at my dad who's smile had grown a little bit. "You come pick me up"

JJ sighed and groaned but as I heard the sound of keys and a starting engine, I smiled in victory. My father high-fived me, with a proud smile spread over his thin lips as JJ left out another groan. "I'll be there in five minutes"

I hanged up the phone, smiling wildly, cause maybe in the end Rafe was right, but he had twisted roles; JJ didn't have me right where he wanted, I did. My father kissed my head and wrapped his big arms around me in a warm bear hug, which relaxed me. I felt safe with him, and loved to spend time with him just the way we did back in San Bruno when we didn't have the choice to since we were alone.

Topper walked in the living-room and sat on the armchair near my father and I, throwing me a scornful glance I decided not to pay attention to, because I knew he was just making fun of me for hugging my father.


Outer Banks, Thornton's house
July 5th, 2020
10:45 pm

My best friend honked the horn to let me know he had arrived and I jumped off the sofa, before putting on my pair of shoes and swinging the door open. I brushed a few strand of hair off my face since the wind blew on it quite strongly, and jogged over to JJ's small car, before opening the passenger's door he had unlocked earlier.

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