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Outer Banks, open air cinema July 8th, 20209:18pm

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Outer Banks, open air cinema
July 8th, 2020

"Aren't you guys glad Tess and I made you come?" Kiara hummed as the four of us made our way into the area.

JJ wrapped an arm around my shoulder as we walked alongside the small field, a smile spread on his lips. "We're used to it aren't we?" he quipped.

I pushed him off me, not willing to admit his joke was pretty funny. "JJ!" I groaned.

Pope threw us a glance full of reproaches as we noticed a few people looking at us and realised our loud voices and laughs bothered them, even though the movie had not started yet. Our chuckled subsided and I took a seat next to Kiara, enjoying to finally be with my friends, with no worry in mind. I loved how Kooks and Pogues gathered at those events and how things looked easier, even just for a few hours and so as my eyes laid on the large screen, my body filled with satisfaction.

"We're in the green zone man," Pope whispered at JJ as he was sat. "We're in the middle of Kook-landia, this is the last place I want to b-"

"Dude tranquilo, okay?" JJ tempered.

"What's wrong?" I asked, lighting up a blunt I had saved earlier and as JJ rolled eyes, Kiara got up.

"I'm gonna get us drinks," she stated.

I watched her leaving, as she approached the small stand and Pope kept whispering weird things at JJ, as if they were hiding something from Kiara and I. I sighed and tapped on the dark-skinned boy's lap to get his attention, and JJ's. "What's going on?" I broke in.

"Nothing's going on, Tess," JJ reassured but the fake tone he used made it sound like it was the biggest lie. "Why?"

"You two are acting weird," I stated, as Pope scratched the back of his head awkwardly, letting me know I was right.

JJ laughed ironically. "You are! First you're disappearing and then, you come back with bruises all over you," I felt like he just wanted to avoid the subject so his words didn't echo inside my head and I simply shrugged.

"Whatever, what's your little secret? are you two dating?" I demanded. "How cute"

"What? no!" Pope laughed, seeming still as embarrassed as seconds beforehand.

I threw a rapid glance at Kiara who was still far from us and as I noticed the Kook prince peering down at her, his eyes trailing up and down her body, my head and heart started to pound simultaneously but not in a good way. I felt a inch of envy and jealousy, as if I wanted to be her in this exact moment, and when I caught myself thinking that way, I felt guilty for it. I wanted to ask Pope and JJ what was going on between Rafe and Kiara, so that my heart would feel better, but no words escaped my mouth and Pope was actually the one breaking the silence.

"We should tell her bro, it's kind of her deal," the smart boy announced. "Even totally her deal"

"Then you tell her cause if I do," JJ marked a pause to laugh like he could imagine my reaction to whatever they were hiding. "I'm screwed for life"

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