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Outer Banks, Cameron's mansionApril 3rd, 20267:06pm

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Outer Banks, Cameron's mansion
April 3rd, 2026

I was watching TV at the lowest volume, making sure not to wake up my baby, as I heard the sound that made me the happiest on Earth; the sound of the front door opening. I rotated and a big smile marked my lips as I saw Rafe's figure stepping in the huge living-room, focused on his phone, holding a bunch of flowers along with his bag on the other hand. He dropped his bag on the table and looked up from the screen he was staring at as he heard me getting up from the sofa. I giggled and ran to him, before wrapping my arms around his neck and bringing our lips together.

His arms found their way around my waist and I raised up on my tiptoes to be a bit taller and access to his lips more easily. He smelled so good, even after a long day of work, he smelled like cologne and it was so unnecessary hot. We pulled away and he kept me in his arms for a few more seconds, which relaxed me. "Hi my gorgeous wife," he said.

"Hi my handsome husband," I responded softly, as he pressed a kiss on my head.

"Is Lucy asleep?" Rafael asked, handing me the flowers.

I smiled and nodded, smelling them. It was all so perfect it made me want to cry happy tears. There I was, wearing my husband's t-shirt on a warm spring night, in the arms of the man I loved most on Earth, our three month old baby sleeping peacefully in her crib, and all the vases around us filled with flowers he bought me everyday on his way home. It was like a dream and I couldn't help thinking I didn't deserve it all. It was too much. Too good.

"Thank you, they're beautiful," I first answered, walking over to the only vase which was still empty. "Yeah, she fell asleep like ten minutes ago"

I placed the flowers in the vase and joined Rafe on the sofa as he sat there and untied his tie to be more comfortable. I laid in his arms and rested my head on his chest, listening to his calm heartbeat. His calmness was something reassuring about him. I knew no matter what happened in our lives, he'd always handle it and face it with courage and calm, which had not always been the case. When he was younger, he was more reckless and stupid, but the way he was after maturing didn't make me love him any less. We both had grown up through our relationship and the steps of it.

"Come here darling," he mumbled, sighing in relief as his arms wrapped up my body.

"How was your day?" I asked him.

"Good. I missed both of you so much. I'm sorry I didn't make it to come back early, I just had so much shit going on, I fired like three employees this afternoon," he voiced as if it was nothing.

I sighed and nodded, looking up at him. I knew he tried his best to come back home early, and he often managed to come back before 6pm, sometimes even before 5pm, which was I knew, a lot of concessions for him, but it meant a lot to me that he witnessed our baby girl growing up and helped me raising her. He also made all he could to at least, get two days off per week, even three when he could, which was highly appreciated and would soon be necessary.

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