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Outer Banks, Figure-EightJuly 17th, 202011:34 am

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Outer Banks, Figure-Eight
July 17th, 2020
11:34 am

The fresh air of this July morning helped me recovering from the lack of sleep I had gotten through the past night, but as my feet stepped on the road covered with burning asphalt that led to the Wreck, my heart filled up with pure joy and tiredness left my body. Leaving my asleep boyfriend was complicated and even though it wasn't his type, I would have loved some extra cuddles, but I couldn't wait to see the Pogues and so after resting a few kisses on his warm lips, I had fought the urge to go back in bed and left home.

I swung open the front door of the Wreck, and since it was Sunday in the middle of Summer break, it was crowded with Tourons, as JJ liked to call them (Tourists, Morons; Tourons). I greeted Ms and Mr Carrera before greeting the employees I mostly didn't know since they were just summer hires and would probably leave the island by September. I spotted all my friends in the back of the room so I went over to them quickly with a big smile drawn over my lips. "Hi rich assholes," I greeted them as Kiara got up and pulled me in a hug.

"Hi," she softly greeted after planting a kiss on my cheek and going back to sit where she was initially. "We were waiting for you"

I looked over at their faces and as I saw JJ's hungover facial features I figured maybe they didn't actually wait for me but I couldn't blame them; if I didn't have other priorities I would have celebrated as well. I didn't know how Sarah was feeling since it was also her father so as I sat in between her and Pope, I grabbed her hand and kissed it. "Waiting for me?" I asked.

"Yeah, I mean, it's not everyday we become billionaires," JJ whooped raising his glass in the air and I was sure it wasn't filled with water. "Salute"

"Salute," I giggled as we brought our drinks together. "Are you still getting a marble statue of yourself?"

Everyone laughed and I waited patiently for JJ to respond. I remembered how innocent we were that night, after listening to Big John's tape, when we had shared our dreams. If I was being honest, I never really believed in the fact we would find the gold, because even though Big John had found it, we were just teenagers and obviously weren't the smartest team. JJ sighed and ran his hand through his hair before looking at all of us.

"No come on guys I'm not getting a marble statue of myself," he mocked. "I'm getting two and on the second one I want Gaby in my arms"

We laughed and I placed my hand on my heart, smiling at his words. I just loved how everyone liked my puppy and just thinking of him being at home without me broke my heart, but after all he was probably sleeping with my boyfriend and since he loved his company, I knew he was getting taken care of. "What will you do Sarah?" I asked her since she wasn't there when we had first discussed our plans.

"I'll share with Wheez' and then travel around the world," she smiled. "With my boyfriend obviously," she corrected herself looking at John B who seemed hurt by her previous words but then deeply relieved.

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