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Outer Banks, the Hospital
July 17th, 2020

The first thing I heard was the loud beeping sound of a machine, which hurt my ears and made my head feel like it would explode. I slowly opened my eyes and looked all around me, which allowed me to notice I was in a hospital room, plugged, but also that my boyfriend was there, looking through the window. Since the last thing I remembered was Barry hurting me and it felt like ages ago, I was at first a little disoriented, to be very honest.

Everything in my body ached, it was awful, and it made me groan in pain. Rafe turned around and hurried over to my bed, before placing the palm of his hand behind my head and rubbing it, as he pulled me against his chest in somewhat of a warm hug. I had only woken up a few seconds earlier and was more or less confused about the situation, but having him to hold me this tight made me feel better quickly. His scent filled my nostrils and his soft lips found their way to my forehead, as my hands wrapped up around his biceps since I didn't know really how to return this outburst of affection.

"Oh Tessa, hi," he breathed. "What's hurting you babe? I can go tell the nurses you know"

"I'm okay," I lied, as he kept hugging me.

After a little while, I began to suffocate in his arms so I pushed him away lightly but he was hugging me so tightly he didn't even feel my attempt to pull away from him. "Rafe, I can't breathe," I spoke up.

"Oh, yeah sorry baby," he apologised.

He unwrapped his arms from around me without a word, and that's when I noticed the tears that had been streaming down his cheeks for a few seconds already I assumed, by the amount of water on his face. I cupped his cheeks with my hands and wiped his tears with my thumbs, unsure what made him so sad or emotional. "Have you been crying? Wh-Why?" I inquired.

"Tess, they told me you wouldn't make it, they said you were dying," he sighed, pointing at the corridor with his index finger, slightly shaking.

"Well," I shrugged. "I don't look so dead, do I?"

He chuckled and looked down, before resting his head on my hospital gown, which allowed me to run my nails in his messy hair and make him feel better. I didn't know what had happened to him, nor me, those last hours, but it seemed like Rafe had been through a lot and I just wanted him to feel loved. "No, you look like the prettiest girl on Earth," he finally replied, against my chest and stop his tears from pouring more.

"What happened to me, Rafe?" I asked.

"You.. overdosed," he said and those words echoed in my head. Of course I had, I remembered it all. "An ambulance came to get you after I found you, they tried everything to reanimate you, well at least that's what they said. They announced me your death, a little bit more than an hour ago. But hey, you know me, my love, you know how I am. I lost my shit and I destroyed everything"

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