•How you guys meet•

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Summary:Imogen invites you to her birthday but you don't know anyone so she introduced you to one of her friends.

"Yn you have to come to my birthday party your my best friend"

"I'd rather not thanks Imogen"

"Please it's my birthday you don't have to stay long"

"Fine but only for an hour or two"

*At the party

As predicted you were sat playing with your hands with another hour of the party to go. You weren't very popular so not a lot of people spoke to you which didn't help in social situations like these. Everyone always found it weird how you were best friends when she was popular and you weren't. People weren't really suprised to see you alone on the sofa and no one bothered to make and effort to speak to but you liked it that way.

You quickly stand up wanting to sneak away from the party, however you were quickly caught out as Imogen walked up to you .

"Yn where are you going??"she questioned. You were ready to lie and tell her you were just looking for her but her face told you she knew of your plan to escape.

"I was just looking for you?" You say more of a question than a statement. She gave you a knowing look.

"Fine I was just going to leave"

"But why the party has barely started"

"It's not really a party when you have no friends to speak to"

"What am I then?? She says with a fake offended look.

"You know what I mean Imogen" you say trying to correct your mistake.

"You have to meet my best friend first"she tells you.

"Wow and I thought I was your best friend" you say mirroring her fake offended look.

"Well my boy best friend then" she corrects herself.

"Okay but hurry I want to leave"

She quickly grab your hand and begins leading you through a maze of drunk teenagers.

"Look there he is" you roll your eyes as she drags you forward again.

"NICK" she yells catching the attention of a boy from across the room. You hide behind her not wanting him to see you. You watch him during there conversation taking in his appearance. He was actually quite attractive he had ginger hair (which really suited him) ,brown eyes and was quite tall.

"Yn" Imogen said your name in your ear dragging your attention away from the attractive boy.

"Stop hiding behind me and say hi" she says as she pushes you forward.

"Hi my name's yn" you say quietly.

"Hi yn my names nick"

"Ok you two have fun talking" Imogen says as she pushes you forward again.

"Lovely friend isn't she", Nick says while laughing.

"Yes an amazing best friend" you say sarcastically whilst also laughing.

You both sit down speaking the entire night talking and getting to know eachother. By the end you were glad that you had gone to Imogen's party.

Eventually Imogen dragged you away saying you both needed to get home as you were sleeping at hers that night.

"So you and nick were talking for a while" she says with a smirk

"Ye he's really nice" you say thinking back to your conversation from earlier.

"You might finally get a boyfriend then??"

"IMOGEN SHUT UP" You shout blushing furiously.

"Omg you like him your blushing" she squealed.

"Shut up Imogen"you say your face as red as a tomato.

"It's okay I'll help you get with him" she says still smirking slightly. You wouldn't admit it but you were secretly glad that you had gone to Imogen's party and met Nick Nelson.

Hey guys hope you enjoyed this imagine if you have any ideas for another imagine please tell me in the comments


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