•ʜɪs ʜᴏᴏᴅɪᴇ•

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Hey guys i'm back i've been super busy with schoolwork and haven't really been motivated to write but i'm back now.

You were over at Nicks house you were both sat on his bed watching tiktok. You were extremely bored and after scrolling for a while you saw a tiktok of a girl who had stolen her boyfriends hoodie.
His reaction was really cute and you decided to do the same thing.

You had been dating Nick for about 2 months and had not worn one of his hoodies yet. Not because he hadn't let you, but because you had never asked.
You were really nervous as you didn't know how he would react.

You had to wait for him to leave his bedroom ,which he did about 5 minutes later. As soon as he left the room you rushed over to his closet and searched for his favourite hoodie. Once you had found it you rushed and quickly shoved it in your bag.

He came back into his room as soon as you sat down and you smiled at him in order to not cause suspicion.

"What's up with you?" He questioned sitting back down next to you.

"Nothing I'm fine" you reply quicky hoping he would drop it. He must have as he didn't question you anymore.

Your mum picked you up from Nicks about an hour later. Once you got home you raced up the stairs and quickly put his hoodie on. You loved how it smelt like him and felt as if he were there with you.

You were distracted when you heard a notification on your phone. You looked to see who it was and saw Nick had messaged you asking if you wanted to video call. You message back a quick yes and press answer on your phone totally forgetting your wearing his hoodie.

"Hi" you say cheerfully as his face pops up on the screen.

"Hey"he says and then looks at your clothes smiling.

"What's wrong?" You ask a little confused.

"Is that my hoodie?" He asks laughing slightly.

"Ummm no" you say unconvincingly.

"Oh really because it looks a little big on you" he says smirking

"Fine it is yours" you say letting out a sigh.

"Please don't be mad" you plead and now it's his turn to look confused.

"Why would I be mad love?" He asks gently.

"Because I took it without asking" you say looking down.

"You can wear any of my clothes whenever you want love I don't mind, you look cute in them" he says smiling at you. You blush a little at his words and smile at your hands.

"Thank you" you whisper quietly.

"Don't worry about it love"

Hey guys so sorry I've been gone for so long I just haven't been well and I've had lots of school work but I'm back now and hopefully for good. Hope you enjoyed ~

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