•It's okay•

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Request by ouatfanficsforeva

Light flooded your vision as you opened your eyes slightly. You were laid in Nicks bed, but he was nowhere to be found. You stepped out of bed and went to the bathroom figuring Nick had already woken up and gone downstairs. You were wearing one of Nicks shirts which came to a about mid-thigh in you so you decided it would be okay to go downstairs in.

As you walked in the kitchen, you spotted Nick's mum sat at the table so you stood awkwardly in the doorway.
When she noticed you she greeted you.

"Morning y/n Nick's in the living room" she says not looking away from what she was reading. You walk into the living room seeing Nick sat on the sofa with Nellie sat next to him.

"Hey Nick?" You say standing in front of him but he just ignores you and looks around you at the tv. Slightly upset that he ignored you, you make your way over to the armchair in the corner instead. Nellie decides to follow you and sit on your lap instead. You watch the movie and once it has ended he puts something else on without saying a word to you. You decide to try your luck and speak to him again. By this time his mum had joined him on the sofa.

"Nick are you okay??"you ask gently whilst fiddling with your fingers.

"Can you just leave me alone??" He says quite harshly. You nod your head now extremely upset.

"NICK!!" His mum says quite sternly.

"Don't speak to your girlfriend like that" she lectures him.

"No it's fine I'm just going to go home" you say with tears eyes as you begin to walk away. You run upstairs and pull on your jeans but keep Nick's shirt on. Your walking back through the room to get to the door when someone grabs your hand.

"Wait please don't go I'm sorry"he says sadly. You try to continue walking but he grabs your waist and pulls you on his lap then wraps his arms round your stomach.

"I'm sorry I love you" he says his voice cracking slightly as he starts crying.

"Why have you been ignoring me??" You ask him.

"I've just been upset because people keep saying that I don't deserve you and you could do so much better" he explains crying.

"And they are right because you are so pretty and could do way better than me" he says leaving you in shock. You turn around on his lap and put his face in your hands.

"Nick Nelson I love you and you deserve me in fact you deserve way better than me" you say before kissing him so he can't object to your statement.

"I love you so much" he says looking up at you and smiling through his tears.

"Trust me I love you way more" you say as you both start laughing.

"Finally you have both been so miserable since you started ignoring each other" is mother says from the other sofa. You jump not realising she had just heard your whole conversation.

Hey guys I hope you like this chapter. This one isn't very good so I apologize for that.


Nick Nelson imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now