•Eating disorder

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Heyy guys I know I haven't posted in a while and it's not because im not online or dont have time I genuinely have no ideas. I'm always online so I'll pretty much answer straight away and if anyone has anymore ideas for imagines that would be great xx

This was requested by someone but it wont let me tag them
Thank you so much for your request xx

Tw: mentions of ed (eating disorders)
Summary: you have recently been diagnosed with an eating disorder but haven't told anyone but Nick finds out when you go to his.

You woke up feeling terrible. You had recently developed an eating disorder and had even been diagnosed by a doctor however nothing had changed since your diagnosis. Your mum was no help ;she didn't seem to really understand the situation and frequently argued with you saying it's pathetic and your eating disorder isn't real and you just want attention.  You quickly walked out of your house in the morning wanting to avoid your mum but luckily she was still in bed. 

During your 3rd lesson you began to feel the effects of not eating anything. The ill feeling in your stomach left you unable to concentrate for the rest off the day. Your best friend Elle had clearly noticed something wrong with you however when she asked you quickly dismissed any off her worries telling her you were fine. You hadn't told any of your friends about it either due to not wanting them to think you just wanted attention. 

You were hoping that Nick hadn't noticed however it was very unlikely that Elle would keep quiet about her concerns for your health and will have told your boyfriend Nick Nelson right away. Unfortunately, for you she must have told him as after school on your way home he runs after you to make sure you are okay. 

"yn" he shouts down the street catching your attention and causing you to turn around and look at him. 

"oh hey Nick what are you doing  here?" you ask sweetly hoping he just wanted to walk you home or something like he usually does. 

Recently, you had been avoiding going to his house so that he couldn't notice your recent eating habits (which tbh were no longer existent) as you didn't want to worry him. However, avoiding his house had meant having to deal with your mother after school and on the weekends; during these time periods you would usually escape to Nicks to which his mother didn't mind and he loved those times you spent together and now he seemed heart-broken every time you turned down going to his which had been a lot recently. 

As you had guessed Elle had blabbed her concerns to your boyfriend so then he was extremely worried about you.

"Are you feeling okay Elle says you've been acting strange and you look quite ill?" he says looking directly at your face while commenting on how ill you look. 

"I'm completely fine I've just been really cold recently" a confused expression crossed his face I mean you weren't surprised, even you knew it was a lame excuse but it was all you could come up with on the spot. 

"well if your completely fine why don't you come to mine today,you haven't been round in ages" he looked so cute and hopeful as he had asked and you therefore couldn't say no and said agreed to which he was happy. 

At his you spent loads of time together watching movies and doing other activities and your worries about eating completely disappeared until his mother had shouted you both down for something to eat at about 6 o'clock. You had wracked your brain trying to think of an excuse to leave but there weren't any. You had thought about saying your mother had messaged saying she wanted you back early but your mum had never really been bothered what time you were out till in the first place so that wouldn't work. 

As you sat at the table you tried to act like everything was completely fine you had been pushing the food around your plate acting like you weren't hungry whilst also engaging in conversation so nobody could actually notice how much you actually had left on your plate. But of course Nick did. 

"yn are  you sure you feel okay you haven't really eaten all day and you've barely touched the food on your plate" that simple innocent question had made you want to burst into tears;now you had to eat to make everyone believe you were okay even though you weren't. You ate slowly and carried on with your conversation with his mum but you were also aware of Nick glancing in your direction every now and again to make sure you had eaten. Once you had eaten an acceptable amount you excused yourself and rushed to the bathroom. You had one goal -empty the contents of your stomach. You had done this many times for the past few weeks and it had started taking a toll on your body but you did not care as long as you got skinnier. 

You tied your hair up, washed your hands and began to vomit. The vile substance almost felt like acid as it burnt the back of your throat. The stench was unbearable and only made you vomit more until everything in your stomach was swimming in the bottom of the toilet bowl. You quickly flushed, cleaned yourself up (including brushing your teeth because you have a toothbrush there from when you slept) and sprayed a bunch of air fresheners hoping to get rid of the foul odor. As you stepped outside of the bathroom you bummed right into Nick who looks heart-broken and you're hoping it's not because he knows what you've been doing but because of something else. 

"How could you do that to yourself?" he asks his voice breaking. 

You begin to cry as you spill out apologies as you say sorry over and over again hoping to fix his pain. He quickly embraces you and mutters sweet encouraging words to you as the tears only become heavier as you begin to sob. 

"what are you sorry for?" he says almost crying himself. 

"I'm your boyfriend i should've noticed ages ago what was happening so I could've helped " your heart breaks as he blames himself and you know you want to stop not only to ensure you don't inflict this pain on Nick but also to ensure that your no longer in pain too. The eating disorder will no longer torture you . You explain to Nick how you no longer want to hurt yourself by starving yourself and he obviously is obviously happy as he was going to try help you stop anyways.

He pretty much forces you to sleep that night and tries to get you to eat something which you do and your happy to be doing rather than thinking of the later consequences. You fall asleep cuddled up with Nick knowing that he loves you no matter what and you dont need to change anything about yourself.

Hey guys ty for reading my book even tho I've been gone ages . I'm hoping to be back permanently now and suggestions would be extremely helpful in helping me write. Please vote and comment ty bai~

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