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hiya sorry this one took so long I really hope you like it.

You were really excited for today as you were going swimming and you loved swimming it was one of your favorite activities to do. However, you started becoming a little less enthusiastic as you stared at yourself in the mirror. You came to realize you weren't as pretty as your friends and that maybe going to the pool was a bad idea. You were drawn from your thoughts as Nick walked into your room.

"Hey you okay??"

"ye I'm fine let's just go" he looks a little uncertain of your answer but doesn't question you anymore which you were grateful for.

~At the pool

You sat by the edge of the pool as everyone else sat and talked about how school had been. Eventually, everyone decided to get in the pool.

"yn you coming in??" asked Elle.

" um I don't feel very well I'll get in later" you told her hoping your excuse was believable. Thankfully Elle and the others left you alone however Nick questioned you further.He swims over to you and rests his arms on the edge of the pool.

"You want me to come sit with you??" he asks looking a little worried.

"No it's fine you have fun with your friends" you say whilst giving him a small smile. He returned the smile before swimming off towards Tao.

~30 minutes later

You still hadn't got in the pool and Nick was starting to become quite worried as he knew you loved swimming. You decided to go get changed to avoid his worried looks and walked off towards the changing rooms. You stood in front of the mirrors in your bikini insulting yourself again. Before you knew it tears were falling down your face as you struggled to find something you like about yourself. You sat on the floor sobbing into your knees feeling disgusting and hopeless.

"yn you okay in there??" you heard nick ask from the other side of the door.

"ye I'm fine I'll be out in a minute" you say hoping your voice had sounded convincing but you knew he probably heard you crying.

"No your not I can tell just let me in" he says gently but you just ignored him as you continued to cry.

"please yn just let me in" he pleads ad you give in finally opening the door and letting him in. Once he sees you he looks heartbroken as you sit there with your tear stained face.

"What's wrong??" he asks gently crouching down to your level.

"Nothing it's fine" you say sniffling.

"Please tell me it's not fine if it's making you upset" he says.

"I just feel like I'm not pretty enough because I'm not as pretty as Imogen or Elle" you say whilst looking down at your hands.

" well I don't love Elle or Imogen I love you and I think you're beautiful." You laugh slightly not believing him. He lifts your chin up with his hand to make you look at him.

"Trust me your beautiful" he says before kissing you.

"Thank you"


I'm thinking of deleting this book as I don't really like my writing in it. But I hope you enjoy this chapter if you see it


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