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For a as long as you can remember you have been afraid of thunder. You knew it was stupid but you figured it was something all little kids feared and you just hadn't grown out of it yet.

You were curled up in bed with your head under the cover as the rain hit your window like bullets on concrete and the thunder boomed outside.

You had always hated being afraid of thunder and hadn't told anyone but your boyfriend Nick. You were suprised when he didn't laugh at you but brought you in his arms and hugged you. He told you that you could always call him during a thunderstorm and he would be there within 10 minutes, of course you never did though for fear of being an inconvenience.

Thunderstorms always made you jumpy so you almost jumped out of your skin when there was a knock on your front door at about 9 at night. You ignored it hoping your parents might answer but they didn't as there was another knock not a minute later.

You padded downstairs in your pajamas with a blanket wrapped around you. You opened the door to come face to face with non other than your boyfriend, who was soaking from the rain.

"Who is it Yn" your parents shouted from the next room. So they had heard the door you thought bitterly.

"Just Nick" you shouted back looking over your shoulder.

You dragged him inside by his hand and slammed the door behind him.

"Don't slam the door" y/d/n (your dad's name) yelled.

"What are you doing you idiot??" You asked Nick ignoring your dad's words from before.

"Well I know your afraid of thunderstorms and you never called so I was worried" he explains scratching the back of his neck.

You were about to say how he shouldn't have worried when your parents walked in.

"Right we are heading off to bed" your mum explained.

"Nick I told your mum your staying the night it's too dangerous for you to walk back home in this , there's some clothes for you in the bathroom" she said smiling.

"Thank you" he said smiling back at your mum.

You dragged Nick upstairs as you walked away from your mum. You let him change in the bathroom as you sat on your bed. Just as he walked in another round of thunder boomed making you jump again. Nick saw and laughed as you pouted at him.

"Shut up Nicky it's not funny" you said still Pouting.

"1 it's very funny and 2 don't call me Nicky"

"Nicky, Nicky, Nicky" you chanted laughing. 

"Right that's it" he yelled.

He pinned you down underneath him as he tickled your sides making you squeal. Thunder struck again making you jump.

"Thunder why you got too ruin my fun" he says pouting slightly as he lays down while you sit up. You jump as it booms again

"Ok come here before you have a heart attack" he says opening his arms smiling slightly . You snuggle into him as he wraps his arms around you.

"Hey the thunder is like my wingman" he says making you laugh slightly. You yawn and close your eyes lazily. Nick gives you a quick kiss on the forehead. "I love you" he states.

"I love you too" you say back before you drift of to sleep in his arms.

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Nick Nelson imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now