•Rugby game•

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Request for ouatfanficsforeva

You were supposed to be at Nick's rugby game but you were running late. As you checked the time you began running realising just how late you were. Once you got there you saw Elle, Tao and Charlie you walked up to them and Nick didn't notice you. That was until Charlie shouted.

"NICK YOUR GIRLFRIEND IS HERE" you cover your ears as he was right next to you. Charlie's screaming caught Nick's attention and he looked at you and waved. You waved back smiling slightly.

Everything was going fine until someone from the other team tackled Nick and he fell hitting his head on the ground. The coach told him he was no longer allowed to play the match and advised his mum to take him to the hospital to make sure he was okay. You walked up to him and his mum and brought him into a hug.

"Are you okay??" You ask gently.

"Ye I'm fine we are just going to the hospital to make sure that my injuries aren't too bad" he explains giving you a one armed hug as he had an icepack in the other hand.

"Will you please come with me??" He pleads looking at you with an adorable smile.

"Of course I will" you say and hold his hand as you walk back to his car. Once in the car Nick got in the back with you and laid his head in your lap.

"Are you sure you are okay??" You ask slightly worried.

"Ye I'm just tired that's all" he explains holding your hand. During the car ride you use the hand he isn't holding to stroke his hair, which eventually lulls him to sleep. Once at the hospital you had to wake him up, which wasn't an easy task, and basically drag him into the hospital. When sat in the waiting room he laid his head on your shoulder drifting back off to sleep and jumping slightly when he hears his name called.

The doctors run a few tests to make sure he hasn't got a concussion or anything. After an hour or two you are finally able to leave.

"We spent two hours in there just to find out I'm perfectly fine" he says annoyed.

"Oh Nick stop complaining" you tell him "they were only trying to make sure you were okay" you explain and he finally shuts up. On the way home he lays his head in your lap again as you stroke his hair as he falls asleep again.

Hey I don't know if this is exactly what you wanted so if it's not right let me know and I'll rewrite it. Thank you for reading.


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