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There are mentions of suicide.

Requested by Purpleday182

As the school bell rang you collected your things dropping a few items in your rush and pegged it out of the school gates totally forgetting you were supposed to wait for Nick. You were in a rush as you were trying to avoid Harry and his friends not including Nick of course. Ever since you had got with Nick ,which was 6 months ago, they have bullied you relentlessly. Constantly, you are being told that nobody loves you and you should go and kill yourself.

Of course Nick didn't know as you didn't want him to argue with his friends because of you. Suddenly, you were ripped from your thoughts as someone yanked your backpack backwards sending you to the floor. You looked up to see Harry and his friends all laughing at you.

"Nick still with you??" He asked refering to your ongoing relationship with Nick Nelson. You just nodded silently in reply not looking up.

"Ugh I feel for him dating a bitch like you"  he said laughing which just encouraged his friends to laugh again.

"Don't you know it's rude to not look at people when they are speaking to you??" He asked. You stayed silent still looking at the floor. He kicked your leg harshly bringing tears to your eyes and making you wince. You looked up not wanting to take another hit to your leg causing him to see the tears in your eyes.

"Awe not only is Nick dating a bitch but a little cry baby too" he say laughing. He crouches down to be level with you.

"Just go kill yourself no one will care not even Nick I mean he will most likely be relieved"   he says standing back up and kicking you again in the same area this time harder.

You let out a sob as tears streamed down your cheeks. Not only were you crying from the pain of the impact of the kick but from his hurtful words. He made you question wether anyone really would care if you died or not. You put your head in your hands sobbing wanting them to leave you alone.

"Pathetic" Harry mutters going in for another kick. As he swings his leg for another kick. Harry flies across your vision as your boyfriend Nick runs up and shoves him away from you. He looks at you as you sit and cry into your hands his heart breaking at the sound.

"WHAT THE FUCK?? Harry shouts drawing Nick's attention back to him.

"What was that for mate??" Harry asks getting up of the ground.

"Just piss off before I do worse" Nick warns. Harry just scoffs but eventually does walk away signalling his friends to follow him.

Nick walks up to you and crouches down to be level with you. He reaches for your hand but stops as you flinch away when he touches you.

"Hey it's just me Nick they're gone now and you know I would never hurt you" he says softly. You look at him through you fingers making sure it wasn't some sort of trick bit once you see nick you pull him into a hug crying in his shoulder instead of in your hands. You truly did feel pathetic for crying but their emotional and physical abuse had finally got to you to the point where you believed every word they said.

Nick was shocked at first but quickly wrapped his arms around you and pulled you close happy to have you safe in his arms. When you pull away your sobs fading into hiccups he quickly took the chance to inspect you.

"What did they do did the hurt you I will beat the up if they did I swear to god I'll kill Harry myself" he says rambling as he as he looks at your arms an face.

"I'm fine Nick they didn't touch me " you say your voice cracking from crying as you lied.

"Oh your leg" he says sadly noticing the large bruise forming. 

"Oh ye they kicked me a few times" you admitted.

He just sighed and sat next to you and put his arms around your shoulder while you lied your head on his shoulder. After a few minutes of silence ,besides the occasional hiccup from you, Nick Stood up and grabbed both of your hands to lift you up. You both walked back to his house hand in hand.

Once you got there his mum immediately noticed your red eyes.

"Y/n love have you been crying??" You just nodded and she pulled you into a hug.

"Was it those bullies again??" She asked you just nodded again looking down.

"Wait so you knew??" He says asking his mum. "You told my mum and not me??" He asks looking quite upset.

"She didn't tell me I saw them awful boys pestering her on the way home from shopping I dropped her off at home" she clarifies. "I was going to tell you but she begged me not too saying she was going to tell you". He just looked at you upset that you hadn't told him before dragging you upstairs.

You decided you would spend the night after Nick begged you to. You ended up cuddling and watching maze runner (one of my favourite movies). You were wearing one of his shirts which came to about mid thigh on you so you decided not to wear any pajama bottoms. He was behind you with his arms wrapped around your waist.

"Why didn't you tell me??" He asks quietly.

"I didn't want you to worry about me" you say. "And I didn't want you to fight with your friends because of me" you finish.

"Well next time tell me I love you and never want to see you get hurt" he says kissing the back of your neck lightly. You turn around to face him and kiss him softly. After about 5 seconds you pull away looking up at him smiling.

"I love you too you say" before turning back around to watch the movie.

You spend the rest of the night watching the rest of the maze runner movies before you went to sleep with you held securely in his arms where you felt safe.

Hai I hope you enjoyed it I kinda got carried away and it ended up longer than I planned but if you enjoyed it please leave a vote it is appreciated a lot.


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