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Request for makayla_3475
I hope you like it and thank you for your request.

I haven't updated in a few days but here's another chapter.

You woke up at 3am with a funny feeling in your stomach. Feeling like you were going to throw up you ran to the bathroom and just in time as your stomach decided to discard its contents. You trudged back to your room miserably after cleaning yourself up hoping you would feel better in the morning.

You woke up to your alarm and to your dismay you felt worse than before. After turning your alarm off you got up to get dressed deciding your were going to go to school anyway.

Once you got to the school you saw Nick outside the gates and smiled at him as he smiled at you. You rushed past him and into the school not caring it was an all boys school and yours was down the street. You could hear Nick shouting your name as he ran after you. Once inside you legged it straight to the toilets which ,thankfully, weren't hard to find.

You found a cubicle and threw up not bothering to lock the door. Nick raced in after you and after realising what's happening he holds your hair back and tells you encouraging words.

"Come on it's ok" he says rubbing your back whilst still holding your hair back. Once your finished you try to stand up but are too weak.

"Come on I'm taking you home" he says looking at you with sympathy in his eyes. He helps you stand up and holds your hand as you walk out of the school.

Once you get to your house you immediately need to throw up again. The process of Nick running after you worried repeats as you run to the bathroom again. After helping hold your hair back again he helps you get changed and get into bed. He also gets you a bucket so you wouldn't have to get out of bed constantly.

"Can I do anything to help??" He asks sitting next to you stroking your hair whilst you pay in your bed.

"No I'm ok just cold" you mumble holding your stomach. He moves to get in next to you and hug you but you stop him. He looks hurt for a minute until you clarify.

"I'm sorry I just don't want to get you sick" you tell him.

"It's fine I don't care just let me make you feel better"he says opening his arms but you refuse again. He tells you he will sit while you take a nap. you eventually drift off to sleep shivering because of how cold you are.

You wake up feeling much better and lot warmer. When you try to sit up you feel someone's arms around you restricting you. You turn around to see that Nick had totally and was now fast asleep with his arms around you. You decide to go back to sleep.

Once again you are awaked this time though it's from Nick running to the bathroom. He comes back into your room after a few minutes looking miserable.

"I did warn you" you say laughing slightly. He just pouts at you. You open your arms for him to come and cuddle with you.

"Come here you big baby" you say. He slowly walks over and wraps his arms around you . You both go to sleep again hoping not to be interrupted this time.

Thank you for reading please vote if you enjoyed this chapter. Sorry for any errors there may be.


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