•How he asks you out•

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Summary: Nick really likes you so he has been ignoring you recently so that you wouldn't find out. He eventually decides to ask Imogen for help but this leads to a misunderstanding.

You were walking into school with Imogen and ranting about how Nick Nelson (your crush) had been ignoring you lately.

"Every time I go near him he walks away as is I'm the plague" you rant.

"He probably likes you and is just nervous" Imogen suggests and you pass by Nick and his friends.

"Pfft that's the funniest thing I've heard in a while as if he would like me" you scoff.

"I'm sure he is just-" she begins but quickly gets cut off as Nick walks over.

"Imogen can I speak to you please" he asks not looking at you.

"Sure I'll see you later yn" Imogen says as she walks away.

As you sit in form waiting for Imogen you can't help but think about earlier. Why did Nick want to speak to Imogen?? Does he like her?? No of course not you said to yourself, though the thought lingered and you slowly started believing it. For the rest of the day your mind was elsewhere as you couldn't help but wonder if Nick really did like Imogen. Jealousy started taking over as everything they did together sent a pang of jealousy through you.

Later on in the day, you were searching for Imogen so you could eat lunch together as usual when you spotted her with Nick.(don't know how they are together when they are In different schools🤦‍♀️) You hid behind the door eavesdropping on their conversation. As guilty as you felt, you had to know what they were speaking about. You regretted it as your heart dropped at Nick's next words.

"Look I really like you and I was wondering if you wanted to go out with me??"

You were to upset to hear anymore so you ran with tears streaming down your face. If you would have listen a bit longer you would have heard Imogen say "great now say it to yn" but all you could hear was Nick shouting your name.

You sat on the floor in the art block crying over how your crush didn't like you but your best friend. You heard footsteps heading to the room you were sat in but didn't pay attention to whoever it was until you heard Nick's voice.

"Oh yn I'm sorry" he says softly looking like he's about to cry himself.

"Go away Nick" you say with a sniffle whilst wiping your eyes. "I don't want to speak to you"

"Please let me explain" he pleads.

"Whatever" you say not really in the mood to argue with him.

"I don't like Imogen" he starts.

"Then why ask her out" you interupt.

He crouches down to be level with you and avoids your gaze.

"I was practicing for someone else" he says arkwardly.

"Who??" You ask stupidly.

"You" he says smiling at you.

He cups you face with his hands and wipes away your tears.
"Now let me try this again" he says.
"Yn I really like you would you please go out with me" he asks confidently.

"Mmm I don't know Nick Nelson" you say teasingly.

He rolls hid eyes smiling "Pretty please" he asks

"Yes" you say whilst laughing.

He leans in and kisses you gently to which you of course kiss back making him smile. You both walk out holding hands and laughing.

"So your finally together then" Imogen asks smirking.

Nick wraps his arm around you and kisses your forehead "yep and I've never been happier" he says beaming.

Hai hope you enjoyed if you did please comment and vote it would be very much appreciated and thank you for reading!!


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