•I'm sorry•

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Request for ouatfanficsforeva

Walking down the street you were looking at your phone when you came across a photo of Nick with a girl you didn't know. Being the insecure person you are you were immediately worried about his relationship with her. You decided to confront him about it when you got to his as that was where you were headed anyway.

You walked into his house quite angrily and looked for Nick. Once you found him you asked him about the picture.

"Who is she??" You asked calmly as he looked at the photo.

"Why does it matter??" He asked confused.

"Because I'm your girlfriend and I want to know" you say getting more annoyed by the minute.

"Oh she is just a friend" he says purposefully trading you as he smirked slightly however, you were not in the mood for teasing.

"Nick are you cheating on me??" You ask sadly looking at the floor.

"What no of course not" he says standing up and throwing his arms in the air exasperated. His movement scared you and made you flinch away from him.

He looks at you in shock and hurt before you realise how much you over reacted. You quickly turn around and try and run so you don't have to explain yourself however he sees and wraps his arms around your waist so you can't escape.

"Did you really think I'd hit you??" He questions sounding quite upset.

"No of course it's just not every boyfriend has been as nice as you" you explain knowing it's the only answer you can give.

"You want to talk about it??"

"Okay" you say finally deciding to tell you about your past relationship.

You both sat on the sofa as you explained the abuse you received from your previous boyfriend. By the end you were crying and Nick kneeled in front of you.

"Don cryIm sorry, you know I would never hurt you" he tells you pressing his forehead against yours.

"You know I'll always keep you safe right??" You nod your head against his.

"Good because Im not leaving you anytime soon" he says causing you to laugh a little which makes him smile.

"I love you", he says before kissing you gently. You out your hands on the side of his face as you kiss him back just as gently. After five seconds you break away and rest your forehead against his again.

"I love you too" you tell him.
You were glad you had finally told him and felt like a weight had been lifted off your shoulders.

Hey guys hope you enjoyed this one if you did please vote and requests are still open.


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