•Please don't leave me•

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Imagine for Walls287014 I don't know if this works as when I have been tagging people it doesn't work so could someone please tag them in the comments thank you.

You had had enough. You finally decided to end all your pain. You said your goodbye with text messages to your family members. You knew it was selfish to do it through text and not in person however you knew you would change your mind mind and you no longer wanted to suffer. You were getting bullied constantly physically and emotionally. You hoped he would see the message you sent in the morning however your heart pace quickened when you heard your phone ping.

You checked hoping it wasn't someone trying to convince you to not commit. Unfortunately, it was Nick frantically telling you he was coming over and not to move. You ignored his instructions and ran for the bathroom locking the door behind you.

You fumbled through your draws finally finding the pills you were looking for. You tried popping the lid open however your hands were trembling meaning you couldn't open them. Tears ran down your face as you cried in frustration you threw the bottle across the bathroom and began sobbing into your knees.

Minutes later you heard someone running up the stairs. A knock on the door made you jump suddenly as Nick started speaking.

"Yn if your in there open the door" he pleaded through the door. You ignored his pleads and carried on sobbing through his desperate pleas. He asked about three more times before it went silent. You sat still sniffling hoping he had now left you alone to wallow in self-pity. Suddenly, you heard a loud thud on the other side of the door causing you to jump and shuffle away from it quickly. Another loud thud but this time Nick came through the door and looked around frantically.

His face softened as he saw you crying on the floor he quickly got down to your level and held you in his arms. You sat there together not saying anything as you cried and he stroked your hair often whispering in your ear telling you everything would be okay.

"I'm sorry" you say quietly your voice still hoarse from crying.

"I thought you were going to leave me" he says voice cracking slightly, your heart breaks as he slowly begins to cry as you were doing minutes before.

"please don't leave me I don't know what I would do without you" he says sounding as heartbroken as you felt. Once he said this you knew you couldn't leave him; you love him too much to ever put him through the pain of losing you.

"I won't leave you" you say quietly.

"You promise??" he asked not really believing you.

"I promise"

hey guys I'm sorry I haven't updated in so long I do have a good reason but I don't think anyone cares so now I'm back. This chapter wasn't the best and I might delete it and rewrite it tbh. so if you didn't like it please tell me and I'll rewrite it. I didn't proof read it so I'm sorry for any mistakes.


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